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I’m consulting on with multiple projects through Spanish and have a base plan from my organization that is not localized into Spanish yet.
As I began implementing the the plan with the first language group, I localized many of the steps. As I look ahead to implementing the same plan with another group I work with I’m wondering how to do that efficiently.
Instead of localizing on the plan in my own project, I think I want to get the localization data attached to the original base plan, right? How do I do that? PS I don’t (yet) have administrator access to the original base plan, (is that even a thing?).

Paratext by (181 points)

2 Answers

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You can access the “base plan” by holding Shift while clicking on the Main menu. Then under the Support and Development menu you can select “Base Project plans”.

This is the place where you can manage and translate the base plan. Note that when you update a plan the version number is updated and does not need to be included in the name of the project unless you want that to be included.
Screenshot 2021-11-09 13.45.17

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

This is exactly what I needed to know.
Thanks for your help.

PS Does this mean that there is no protecting custom base plans from (exceedingly rare but dangerous) malicious PT users who are at least observers of a project using the plan? If so, is this a breach that could even jeopardize the base plans that ship with PT? :-/

by (181 points)

I believe that only Administrators can access the Support and Development (that could be tested). Note that making this change does not send it out to everyone. It would have to be intentionally sent to the team or to the developers in order to include it in projects.

@anon848905, what would be the best method of distributing such a modified project base plan to the rest of the team? Could you please list the steps needed that would enable each team member to have the new update usable on their own machine? Thanks!

I believe the answer (as with so many issues) is “it depends”. If this is a base plan that ships with Paratext then you would need to send the updated plan to the developers to be included with the next build. However, if this is a plan that you manually sent to teams or shared with teams then you would do the same thing. I have not worked much with updating a plan in this way, but you should be able to send the plan out to the project administrators for them to copy into the _StandardPlans folder. Then they would share the plan with the teams via S/R.

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