0 votes

I have numbers like 3 000 000 in my text.
The characters inventory check shows me an error:« initial zero non valid.» But the initial zero does not show up in the inventory or somewhere else sothat I could check it as valid,
how do I go about this issue?

Paratext by (136 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I thought that error comes from the Numbers Check. Can you verify that you’re getting that error only the Characters Check?

If it is from the Numbers Check, make sure that you have a space set as your Thousands separator in the number settings (Project > Project settings > Number settings).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Yes, the thousands separator is controlled by the settings in the number check. It shows up in the character check, if you have “show sequences” checked.

+1 vote

You may want to use the Tilde as a thousands separator to indicate a non-breaking space so that the number is not split across lines when printing. You would need to add that to the number settings as described above.

by (116 points)

Does tilde treated as NBSP in Paratext? I never knew it. Thank you.

You may also want to search Paratext Help for “tilde”, where you’ll find topics titled
“Important information about no-break spaces and tildes” and
“Why do I see tildes in place of spaces in my text?"

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