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I am using Paratext 9.1.
Among the book options to include in the project, there is “Daniel (Hebrew)”, The prayer of Manasseh, Bel and the Dragon, the Song of the three… But the option to create the complete book of Daniel (Greek) does not appear. In the canon I have Daniel (Greek) activated, but the book doesn’t generate from those separate documents.
Does anybody know what I’m doing wrong? :sweat_smile:

(For now, I have modified the canon to have “Daniel (Hebrew)” + “Song of 3 young men” + “Susanna” + “Bel and the Dragon”, as one book each. But I’d like to have all of it in the same book)

Thank you!

Paratext by (111 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


If you want to get this:

You need to set your versification to “Septuagint” like so.


by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

Thank you so much!
But I’m still having a problem.
The Bible I’m working is a translation from the hebrew with greek aditions.
Setting my versification to “Septuagint”, I could add the Greek Daniel, but then I’m obligated to have the LXX versification in the whole Bible.
I tried to change it again once DAG was added, but then, when i run the basic checks, It says that “Versification doesn’t define any verses for book”.

Is there an option to have the tradicional versification but with Greek Daniel?
Thank you


It sounds like you have an unusual project. Would it happen to be a research project of some kind?
Anyway, I would suggest that your next step is to create a custom versification so that you can pass the basic checks. I am attaching a screen shot from Help on the topic.

Thank you so much!!!

Yes, maybe it’s a little unusual. The thing is that I’m storing into the DBL a 2001 translation, and (as far as possible) I wanted to keep it as it is.

So thank you, this is very helpful :grin:

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