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I’m working on a project that uses unusual diacritic + Cyrillic character combinations – the sort of thing that SIL fonts were designed for. But today I noticed that, in a Note, the quotation of the text that the Note is about is not rendering the diacritics correctly. Either PT is using a font other than that specified in the language of the project – one that doesn’t support diacritic placement; or the font is what we chose – Charis SIL – and something is going wrong in attaching the diacritic.

Here’s a couple of uglier examples of diacritics colliding with other diacritics, or with other letters:


The Web interface seems to render this at a little less than 100% scale, meaning it’s fuzzy. Hover over it and click the double arrow at the bottom right to see the screenshot full size.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

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I’m trying to duplicate this and I do not see the problem. Are you only seeing it in conflict notes, or in regular project notes as well?


by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

Looks like it’s only in Conflict notes. Sorry for not noticing that.

Sorry I didn’t reply to this earlier. I just checked today with the latest build of Paratext 8, and the problem does not seem to appear. Does this look OK? (Using a test project with text copied from yours).

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