0 votes

I have another puzzling basic check error that I can’t resolve.

Here’s the offending text:
\p \v 1 CHAKRAMANG tek mih,
\q1 “Ang maru-uüa kowh uowikrang hownia nauang planla kown mih ang nau,
\q2 Israel kowh arau iungta pe kown ang nau chowdiah,
\q1 nami khin khe Efraim kowh angak dow uang tatüng khai,
\q2 Samari kowh angak paw uang taphuang khai.
\q1 Amatni dow krawilima maru khai,
\q2 kuk mih dow kowi krawi kup khai,
\q2 damarauüa dow prang kowi krawi rup khai.
\q1 \v 2 Nachenganchepaw naiawngün amatni kowh lup ngak dow
\q2 ang sak kowi ang towah reng pami tuk büah dowi.
\q1 Amatni kowh angak maten dow amatni kowi rumtalut khai;
\q2 naiawngün mih maten ang pur kowi atungma uowi reng chekhai.
\q1 \v 3 “Mang kowi dow angak hown

The quote starts at v1 and then continues after \b in v3 with a continuer. I get an error for v1 saying that the opening quote was found without a matching closing quote. But there is a continuer in v3 and the quote does get closed a few verses down, so I’m not sure what the problem is or how to solve it.

FYI, we have the following listed in Quotation rules in the box for “Continuer required at” box: p p/q p/q1 b/q1

Paratext by (216 points)

5 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

These settings (left side) will accept your sample text. (I added the closing quote at the end of the sample - and I suspect your text is really not from Mark, I just picked a book at random to test this).

If you put q1 by itself in the “continuer required at” box, you will get the opening quote without matching quote error because Paratext will expect a continuer at every q1 in the text after the opening quote. Entering b/q1 means look for a continuer when there is a \b followed by a \q1.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)


Thanks. Are you saying that with the settings you have, you did not get an error?

The quotes settings you have are what I have, except that for Continuer required at, I have “p p/q p/q1 b/q1”

0 votes

Is the character at the beginning of verse 3 the character listed as the “continuer” character?

by [Expert]
(734 points)

Sorry, but what do you mean by character? Do you mean \q1?

I thought that by listing b/q1 as a continuer marker would account for what’s going on at v3.

In the Quotation Rules dialog, there is a column for “Opening”, a column for “Quote Continuer at new paragraph”, and a column for “Closing”.

My question was what character is in the “Quote Continuer at new paragraph” column?

Another way to ask the same thing is, what “continuer” (or quote continuer) is in the “Quote Continuer at new paragraph” column?

There are 3 columns for quote marks.
Opening Quote continuer at new paragraph Closing

What value is selected in the continuer column?

Just the regular double quote: “

See my reply to sewhite below. My settings look just like his, except for a few extra conditions for “Continuer required at”.

0 votes

The quotation rules/settings are found under the Project menu > Project settings > Quotation rules.

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)
0 votes

Working with quotation marks can be quite tricky. Often the error is in a completely different place. You have what appears to be a valid continuer at verse 3, but what I would recommend is look for where the closing mark is and then work your way backwards to make sure you anon421222’t have an invalid quotation mark somewhere else.
Your rule says that you must have a continuer after a \p or a \b, but sometimes someone may accidentally put a continuer (false opener) at some other location. You must be a detective! The error might actually be down at verse 11 for instance. It is difficult to find the problem without seeing the entire chapter.
One thing that can help is to turn on the option “Flag all quotes near other errors” n the quotation rules. This can help you locate where the opening and closing marks are located.

by (8.5k points)

Thank you. I will be a detective and check again in other verses.

0 votes

I noticed that in a previous chapter, as long as the quotation opened and closed within the same subheading, using quote continuers with \b \q1 did not cause an error.

So, could the presence of a \s line in the middle of a continuing quotation be causing the problem in this chapter? That is, several verses later in this chapter, we have the paragraph before the \s line ending without a quotation mark and then after the \s line, the quotation continues with \q1 \v8.

\v7 …adfadladfjadlfkj.
\s Heading
\q1 v8 "New text…

by (216 points)

Have you tried adding s/q1 to the list? At v. 8 you do not have b/q1, but b/s/q1.


Thanks! Adding s/q1 fixed it. I’d tried adding b/s/q1 once, but didn’t think to try the simpler s/q1.

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