With PTXprint (PTXprint – Bible Layout For Everyone - SIL Language Technology - highly recommended), I haven’t been using Export Draft PDF very much lately. When I recently tried it (to show beginners how to get a quick and dirty PDF file to print), I noticed that each new chapter starts on a new page. That was apparently done intentionally in the Paratext code that performs Export Draft, because the .tex file created uses a separate .SFM file for each chapter, and processes them separately, like this:
%%%%% Load Paratext USFM %%%%%
\XeTeXdefaultencoding "utf-8"
\ptxfile{C:/My Paratext 8 Projects/TT3/PrintDraft/49GAL_1TT3-draft.SFM}
\ptxfile{C:/My Paratext 8 Projects/TT3/PrintDraft/49GAL_2TT3-draft.SFM}
\ptxfile{C:/My Paratext 8 Projects/TT3/PrintDraft/49GAL_3TT3-draft.SFM}
\ptxfile{C:/My Paratext 8 Projects/TT3/PrintDraft/49GAL_4TT3-draft.SFM}
\ptxfile{C:/My Paratext 8 Projects/TT3/PrintDraft/49GAL_5TT3-draft.SFM}
\ptxfile{C:/My Paratext 8 Projects/TT3/PrintDraft/49GAL_6TT3-draft.SFM}
That will ALWAYS start each new chapter on a new page, which is definitely not what is wanted. Can anyone explain why that change was made? Martin says this change was made in the Paratext code in May 2020, but I can’t imagine what that change was trying to do or fix. As it is now, I don’t think I would suggest Export Draft PDF at all, even for a rough draft. I am also submitting a problem report (and pointing to this post).