+1 vote

I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but since I just spent a while trying to solve a problem that I knew I had solved previously I thought I would write a solution here.
I’ve been using Bible modules to draw in references from individual verses that were specially translated for part of a teaching series. In some instances no other verses in, say, the epistle have been translated. When references for these verses are entered in the specification format in the Bible module, in the preview output the formatting of the verse is formatted as if it is /toc1 (i.e. large font italic green). For a while I thought there was a problem with the Scripture Reference Settings, but couldn’t find anything to solve it. Then I realised that I needed to add some kind of paragraph marker at the beginning of the book to stop the Bible module thinking that the style was still \toc1, even though I was several chapters and verses into the book.

Paratext by (424 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Good catch. Paratext needs paragraph markers in place in order to display text correctly.
by (8.2k points)
edited by

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