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I’m assuming not, but just want to check before the team have to retranscribe and re-work again on a whole chapter.
Translators worked today on a chapter but didn’t save it throughout the day. At the end of the day as they closed down Paratext the message came up “Do you want to save your changes”. They accidentally clicked no instead of yes and Paratext closed. Is there any way to recover that text ? I know if a computer suddenly switches off Paratext somehow automatically offers to recover saved text but I guess this isn’t the case here. I’ve looked in AppData files and project files and can’t see anything hopeful. Are they just going to have to re-do it tomorrow and learn to save (and s/r) as regularly as possible?

Paratext by (424 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Unfortunately, if they clicked that they didn’t want to save, their changes are lost. Paratext does keep backups while you’re working in case the power goes off, Paratext crashes, etc., but they are thrown away when “No” is clicked.

If you think this might happen again, you can have then turn on automatic saving
(Paratext > Paratext settings > Autosave).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Thanks for the quick reply and explanation, that was helpful to know it wasn’t worth spending any more time trying to recover the files…

Am I correct though that with autosave on, there is the possible disadvantage of someone accidentally making a change either a stray letter or even deleting a whole chunk of a chapter and then autosave saves it without any warning and no-one realises for a while?


Yes, that is the downside to autosave.

0 votes

Hi anon297911

Here’s what I can try. I can go to “Compare versions” using Paratext 9.

I’ll compare two versions for this Book/chapter from the previous date to see if Paratext can retrieve the lost one. If yes, then I’ll copy and paste over the “bad current text”.

by (149 points)

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