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Has anyone ever seen a situation where ParaTExt opens and all the windows have completely black contents?

If so, how did you fix it?

Paratext by (646 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

We have seen this for certain graphics card drivers.
One way of fixing it maybe to upgrade to the latest graphics card driver.

Alternatively one can disable Hardware Acceleration:

  1. Tools -> Options
  2. Uncheck “Enable Hardware Acceleration”

Also submitting a problem report from the machine doing this would be useful, with a description ‘all windows black’, (before upgrading graphics driver) as we could then record the problematic driver version number and blacklist it.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

0 votes

Currently I’m trying to sort out a computer where the SLTForm is displaying black for Hebrew, but not for LXX. Also the title comes up as SLTForm, not what it should. Not found a solution yet. In Paratext 7.5 there doesn’t seem to be anything about enabling hardware acceleration.

by (506 points)
0 votes

Fixed it by reinstalling. (Run installer then clicked Repair.)

(Well, actually I fiddled with all sorts of things* first, but they didn’t seem to help.)

  • Including: Display driver settings, Alternative Rendering Engine, Renaming the HEB folder in My Paratext Projects, then opening then renaming back then reverting the rename and reopening PT, Switching to LXX, On/Off Byzantine text.
by (506 points)
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