+1 vote

Dear friends at Paratext support,

my present version of Pxt is For a while now, my computer has apparently downloaded updates but can’t install them. Whenever I start Paratext, a window tells me that updates have been downloaded and asks me for permission to install them. Which I give of course. But when trying to install them, another window comes up saying I need to close running instances of Paratext. This is while I’m only trying to start it up, no other version of it is running! So I have to close what I’m trying to open, then another window yet tells me there have been problems encountered and then Paratext opens up without having installed any updates.

Just now I’ve tried to manually install the file patch_9.0.103.39.msp from out server at SIL Chad, but the same problems occur, it won’t install the patch either.

Any help you may be able to give me?

Thank you very much.

anon630192 (SIL Chad)

Paratext by (111 points)

6 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer


There are a couple approaches you could try. If you want assistance, I would be willing to help you remotely via Zoom. ~listentwice

  1. As anon952029 suggested, first end any existing paratext tasks, then try to run the update/patch file manually (i am unsure if you tried this sequence)

if it still fails
2) Open an Administrator Command Shell and run the patch file manually from there (this is more technical)

if it still fails
3) Uninstall all Paratext 9 items via control panel, reboot, then install PT 9.0.103 installer and then try the update again.

by (1.2k points)

Hello listentwice,

thank you for these suggestions! I’ve tried 1. and it has worked, I’m not at version! What’s funny is, though, that it still gives the same process of messages when opening Pxt up: An update has been downloaded, do I want to install it? When I agree, it tries to do it (what exactly, since .39 has already been installed??), then tells me to close running instances of Pxt, then a problem has been encountered and the update can not be installed. What opens up then, is! So are there any later updates than .39 that it tells me it has downloaded but can’t install? .39 is the latest we have on our server and our Chadian IT guy tells me that’s the latest one there is in the 9.0. series.

Any further ideas? Should I try to get a further patch from somewhere? Upgrade to 9.1.??

Thank you very much for your help!


0 votes

Hi anon630192,

Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete), after that, in Processes, find the running Paratext program and select and press End Task for them (You will see two or more there)
Then, restart you paratext one more time. The problem you faced is that you opened/installed twice the patch (41 is available now).

anon952029 T

by (287 points)

Hello anon952029,

you wrote: “Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete),after that in Processes, find the running Paratext program and select and press End Task for them. (you will see two or more there)
Then, reinstall it. The problem you faced is that you opened/installed twice the patch (41).”

I don’t understand: If I “End task” for everything to do with Paratext in the task manager, it closes Paratext altogether. then I should reinstall what exactly? I’ve tried doing it, but don’t see how that helps anything at all. No patch is installed, I’m still at and I still can’t manually install the .39 patch either.


sorry to hear that, you know, one of our translators had got that problem and i fixed it. if necessary i can help you by using zoom video conferencing. as listentwice said there are some ways to fix it.

+1 vote

Here is a quick video showing most of the process for using Task Manger to turn off the process.

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

Hi anon630192,

I think .39 is still the latest for general use, unless you have it configured to download pre-releases. It sounds like PT is not comparing it’s pre-downloaded update with the current version installed. Perhaps a PT developer could help better but I would try these:

  1. Hold down SHIFT key while opening PT, then say yes to resetting the PT settings.

if you still have the issue
2) Uninstall all Paratext 9 items via control panel, reboot, then install PT 9.0.103 installer and run the update manually.

by (1.2k points)

Actually I see that .41 is the latest patch now, but it is not available via manual download.

So I would skip the reset of PT settings and go straight to complete PT uninstall.

Hi listentwice,

you needn’t reply on the week-end :wink:! Thank you again.

I’ve followed 1., but the same issue still occurs. Even when Pxt opens with Shift and resetting the settings, after a minute it tells me an update has been downloaded and will be installed the next time I’ll open Pxt. And when I do, it’s the same as before.

And concerning 2, well, it doesn’t want to uninstall Pxt 9…:open_mouth: So I tried “repair” first, then “uninstall” after that. But it gives me the same messages as before: “Please close running instances of Paratext before running this update. This dialog will close automatically after Paratext has been closed.” Then “Problem encountered while closing applications.” Then “One or more issues caused the install to fail. Contact your support person for help fixing the issues and then retry…”

By the way, in the list of programmes, it shows Pxt 9 as being (not .39).

Any more ideas?


0 votes is normal for installed program.

Have you had any instability problems with your system (i.e. crashes, unexpected reboots?)

  1. Use the Task Manager to kill all the PT process before trying normal control panel uninstall.

  2. Use the Task Manager to kill all the PT process, then Download Geek Uninstaller https://geekuninstaller.com/download, if geek uninstall fails, try the geek force removal option.


by (1.2k points)

Ok, uninstalled (worked from Control Panel after killing stuff in Task Manager), reinstalled from our SIL Chad server, then applied the .39 patch manually. No change, still giving the same messages when opening Pxt. Should I have taken the reinstallation file from elsewhere??

And no, I’ve not had any other instability problems at all.

If no more ideas, I’ll just live with killing all those messages until 9.1. is officially released, and hope for the best. Will only need Pxt for the next 4 weeks intensively, then go on Home Assignment, i.e. quarantine and Christmas before touching anything much again.


+1 vote

From your description, it sounds like the patch is failing to install.

In order to know why, we would need a copy of this file:

You can send this to me directly at [Email Removed]

One thing that has blocked some installs is an incomplete Windows update - try rebooting if you haven’t done this for a while.

I will copy the [Phone Removed]patch to the download page.

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)

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