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How do insert a reference to the glossary? When I use “insérer un renvoi”, it doesn’t seem to refer to the glossary. In our specific case, a glossary entry already exists, but the team hasn’t referred to it in the text, as they anon421222’t know how to insert the reference.

Paratext by (111 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Paratext is designed to do the marking in the text of glossary items via the Biblical Terms tool. If you open any word in the Biblical Terms, you’ll see two tabs, the Renderings tab, and the Glossary tab. Using the Glossary tab, you can associate the biblical term with a key word in the glossary, and then you can have Paratext automatically mark the word in the text. For example, if you have a glossary term ‘apostle’, then linking the glossary tab for the word apostolos with the glossary entry, enables you to mark occurrences of the word apostle in the text automatically. This is done in the biblical terms tool, using the menu command Link Selected Renderings to Glossary under the Edit Menu, which then marks the term in the text itself with \w …\w*

by (536 points)

Thank you very much for this. In our particular case, the word we stumbled about is not even in the Biblical Terms list, so do we need to put it there first? We’ve marked it with \w …\w* in the meantime, is that ok without adding the word to the Biblical Terms tool?? Or do we have to?

Thank you for your help.


Putting the word or words into the biblical terms list means that you have a complete list of where that word occurs. So then it is also easier then to ensure that you are consistently marking the word. You are given the choice of marking every occurrence of the word, marking it the first time it occurs in a section, or the first time it occurs in a chapter. But you can of course do it manually, but doing all words manually would be very time consuming. I recommend the biblical terms route.

Will do that, thank you very much!


0 votes

Perhaps the instructions in one of the following will help:

  1. How do I link Biblical Term renderings to their glossary entries?
  2. How do I associate an existing glossary entry with a Biblical Term?
  3. How do I create a glossary entry for a Biblical Term?
by [Expert]
(734 points)

Hello anon421222,

the question is how to put a reference in the text itself to the glossary entry. Not sure what it has to do with the Biblical Term (although the team has indeed not put in the equivalent yet).

Thank you.


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Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47
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