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I’m having problems with the back-translation progress marking and verses that are marked with segments (a, b, c, d) etc. I need some of the verses in my vernacular translation marked with segments for use in Bible modules. But in the back-translation progress box there is a big red x for those verses saying “Verse not found in base text”, and I can’t click it or do anything with it.

Firstly I want to check what the standard procedure is for verse segments - I’m assuming that if you mark a verse with segments, every part needs to have a letter, as in say I have \v 8a, \v 8b and \v 8c marked, I anon421222’t need to have just a \v 8 in addition to the others ? If I do so then that fails the basic check and gives ‘duplicated verse number’.

But if I change the verse to add a \v 8 at the front (and make it fail the basic check) then the back-translation project box changes to an exclamation mark with a pop-up and a warning box saying “The verse numbers present in the derived text do not exactly match the verse numbers present in the base text. Do you want to allow this here”. I can click ok and it allows it. It will fall the basic check but seems to work ok. Is this the correct thing to do here in this instance, or is there a problem with the progress boxes and the markup?


Paratext by (424 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

If you defined the verse segment characters you are using (How do I define my own choice of verse segment characters?), and the versification you are using has been customized for verse segments (How do I implement a custom versification for my project?), I would suggest report this as a bug (from the Help menu, select Give feedback, fill out the form, and click Send when you are finished).

by [Expert]
(734 points)
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Is the vernacular text marked with \v 8a, \v 8b, etc? When you get the message saying that the “Verse not found in base text” it indicates that the way the verses are marked is different. The back translation should follow the front (exactly).

by (8.5k points)

Ok thank you. That makes sense now. I had assumed the daughter project automatically inherited the same segments as the vernacular, but thanks to your comment and also anon421222’s concerning a custom versification (I hadn’t realised all verse segments need to be reflected in a custom versification) I’ve manually added the corresponding segments in the back-translation, and it all now works fine. Thank you.

It does look like if the source (vernacular) project has verse 8a, 8b, 8c, etc; Paratext will let you mark the back translation as complete even if it only has one segment. But the verse number has to include the first segment. It has to be \v 8a, not \v 8.

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