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Hi folks. I’m using PT9 under Wasta Linux. PT8 had a nifty feature where I could mouse-over a Greek or Hebrew word and it would give me the English gloss at the bottom of the pane. Definitely cheating, but saves a lot of time. This feature seems to have disappeared with PT9.
Even worse, the help text says I can right-click on a lemma, and a shortcut menu will appear where I can choose a dictionary. It doesn’t. I get a menu with items like “insert note” and “wordlist” but nothing about a dictionary.
Is this a bug? Anyway, until these features are sorted, I’ll largely be sticking with PT8.

Cheers, anon898633.

Paratext by (157 points)

7 Answers

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Best answer

In Linux, you should be seeing all of the following Resources, ERs, SLTs, Dictionaries and Consultant Notes (by default):

If you are not seeing these, then I’m wondering whether the package containing all the resources hasn’t been installed. The package is called: paratext-resources-9.0 as shown below:

Hope that helps!
Mark (my real name :slight_smile: )
by (2.7k points)
0 votes

It seems like you have opened HEB/GRK as a resource and not as a source language text. Only the latter gives you the additional features that you have described.

by (840 points)
0 votes

Thanks anon719148, that does shed some light on the situation, but I think we still have a problem. This text does NOT appear in my “source language texts” - it’s a project for some reason. I have no idea how this happened - maybe I manually copied it over from my PT8 project folder but if so I don’t remember. So I tried “download resources” but it doesn’t appear in the list, even after I uncheck the box in order to show everything available.
I should add that I’m fairly experienced with Paratext and I’ve worked in IT and translation all my life, and if I’m having this sort of problem, most of our users wouldn’t have a chance.

Do I have to resort to manually copying fhe file around? Surely not.

Cheers, anon898633.

by (157 points)

Verify that the “Word Info” option is checked.

It’s installed as a part of Paratext. Have you tried reinstall Paratext 9 and see if that helps?

0 votes

OK, a couple of things here.

FootRunning (hey, don’t we use real names on this forum??)
I completely uninstalled and reinstalled. No change. On Linux, HEB/GRK is a “project”. I really think it’s a bug to be fixed.

anon044949, on my system those options don’t appear. Under “View” I get “switch scripture view”, “highlight biblical references” etc. It thinks it’s a project, not a source text. This is the problem.

Cheers, anon898633. (my real name :slight_smile:

by (157 points)
0 votes

Mark stated better what I tried to say earlier.

anon898633, there is no question that your system is not working, but in supporting at least 25 Wasta users on PT9 yours is the first time I’ve heard of your problem. The HEB/GRK Source Language Text normally works out of the box.

Here’s a suggestion (though I don’t know a way to test it myself): If you do see the source language dictionaries in your Open Project/Resource window, and reinstalling the package paratext-resources-9.0 doesn’t work, perhaps it might work to uninstall the HEB/GRK project?

Perhaps the SLT is being blocked by the project that somehow is present on your computer?

by (630 points)
0 votes

Hi Mark,
OK, it looks like we’re getting somewhere.
On my system, when I do what you did, I get roughly all those things in your window, but NOT HEB/GRK and not the LXX. (Sorry I haven’t figured out how to do a screen shot on Linux under VMware on my Mac yet…)

Then when I also choose “Projects” on the left, both HEB/ENG and LXX appear, but they’re called
Project (Standard Translation). Both of them.

So it looks to me like everything’s there, but maybe not everything’s in the right place. I can see paratext-resources-9.0 in /usr/share/doc, if that helps.

Cheers, anon898633.

by (157 points)
0 votes

Hi again all,
KimB has nailed it!! That was the problem. I deleted the “project” (with all sorts of warnings that shared users like LSDev in Calgary wouldn’t be able to access it - er… yes, that’s what it said…

Anyway then I reinstalled PT9, and lo and behold the SLT appeared under the right heading in the Open dialog, and it’s doing what it should.

Who knows what went wrong, and what disasters I’ve caused in Canada!! I hope they’re OK. I’m fine here in Darwin anyway, and probably a bit warmer.

Cheers, anon898633.

by (157 points)

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