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Today our team had many problems with Live sessions. We never got going, so we had to stop.
It kept saying “synchronizing users: 3 (or 2) versions” What does this mean? All of us were on version

I have tried to upload a screenshot below.

Paratext by (116 points)

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PTLive needs everyone to be working with the same project data. If you haven’t all done a couple rounds of S/R before starting PTLive, it needs to basically do the S/R for you to make sure you all are working with exactly the same project data. That’s what it means when it talks about synchronization - getting all users to have the same data before starting. Because of that, it can take a while (I’m not sure how long you waited).

If it seems to be getting stuck on that, then you can try manually doing two rounds of S/R with everyone and try again.

EDIT: The “versions” refers to how many different copies of the project data there are, that are different from each other.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Thank you for the reply. We will try again tomorrow. We will do a couple of S/R each before we start. :slight_smile:

Yes, if some team members do work on the translation between Paratext Live sessions, it is helpful to do two rounds of send and receive before starting the Live session so that everyone has everyone else’s edits. It is possible if the amount of changes is very large, Paratext Live will instruct you to do a Send and Receive, before a Live session can be started. (Or at least it use to do this. Maybe Live in Paratext 9 can handle merging a large amount of changes.)

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