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I received the following message when I attempted to open ParaTExt 8. I had done some editing of the project plan previous to this.

“Paratext encountered an error because a task is dependent on the last task of of a previous stage that has no tasks. Open the plan in the Project Plan editor to fix this.”

Paratext by (140 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

You will get that error when you have a task in a stage that depends on a previous task in the previous stage, but the previous stage has no tasks (or they are all by-project tasks). You need to edit the plan to fix the problem.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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When attempting to edit the project plan I get the following message:

“The project plan uses features that are not fully supported in Paratext 8.0, you will need to use Paratext 9.0 to edit the plan.”

I do not have ParaTExt 9.0 installed on the computer.


by (140 points)

In this instance you have two options. 1) Install Paratext 9 so that you can edit the plan (and also so that you can have the latest features). 2) As an administrator on the team (who has PT9) to edit the plan.

There are videos on how to use PT9 at: https://paratext.org/support/learning/

A third option would be to use a different plan - one that doesn’t make use of the PT9 features. This is less desirable since one of the features added in PT9 is the ability to approve chapters across stages (without having to wait for the entire book). At least I think that is the way the feature works.

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