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The UBS Greek text (or any resource) does not seem to be an option for me to use as a text to interlinearize. Is there a way to use the Interlinearizer with the Greek text to produce an ‘Additional Gloss’ in a LWC for the Source Language tool, or does that need to be completed manually? Perhaps I have something configured wrong?

Paratext by (115 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Hi anon635921, I have converted the unfoldingWord Greek New Testament (UGNT) into a Paratext project to use for things like this. You can install your own copy of the project by downloading the project backup and importing the zip.

by (412 points)

drwww could you also share your project with me please? I would like to see it. Thank you.

anon044949, please use the Github link I posted above.

0 votes

Sorry, you can’t interlinearize any resource inside of Paratext.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

I’ve also made a Hebrew Bible (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial based on BHS). You can download the project backup on my Github.

by (412 points)

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