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Since I started using Paratext 9 I’ve been unable to use the designated buttons and keyboard shortcuts for navigating chapters and verses on my text collections. Has anyone faced the same issue or know how to fix it?
Thank you!

Paratext by (109 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

It seem to work fine for me without any issues. Could you use Help > Give feedback so we can look into this further?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)



0 votes

Currently, in PT9, the navigation buttons do not work to change the c/v of a floating window. If you have your text collection in a floating window then they will follow the navigation of the main window. This will hopefully be rectified some time soon (but no dates have been given).

by (8.5k points)

If the issue is due to the Text Collection being in a floating window, the fix is to dock the Text Collection.

My text collection window is always docked. A also tried selecting the text collection tittle box before using shortcuts and navigation buttons, but nothing has worked so far…

Can you give an example of a shortcut that does not work? Are you using a non-English keyboard so that the key you need to press is changed?

0 votes

None of the following work:
Ctrl + Arrow Down = Next Verse (Ctrl + Arrow Up for previous verse)
F8 = Next Chapter (Ctrl + F8 for previous chapter)
F9 = Next Book (Ctrl + F9 for previous book)
Alt + Arrow Left/Right = previous/next reference in history
Alt + Arrow Up/Down = previous/next reference in a list

Interestingly, Ctrl + B (go to Select Book drop-down list in toolbar) works… :thinking: When I use it there is no drop-down list, but I can type the book abbreviation.

I have a non-English keyboard installed, but even when I use the English one it doesn’t work.The Ctrl+B shortcut also works when I use my Portuguese keyboard.

by (109 points)
0 votes

To close out this issue - what happens is that if the Text Collection window is the only scripture text window open then Paratext cannot navigate. This happens because normally the navigation is based on the books included in a particular project/resource. If a resource only has 5 books then you see those 5 books in the navigation window. Since text collections are a collection of various texts they anon421222’t navigate on any particular text.

The current workaround for this issue is to open at least one other window with a scripture text so that navigation can be based on that text. I would recommend opening a resource that has all of the books you would want to navigate.

by (8.5k points)

Thank you! It’s working just fine now!

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