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I’ve been struggling for a while with copy / paste from Paratext in Linux, specifically that I cannot paste text copied from Paratext ( into LibreOffice ( I can copy from Paratext and paste into other text editors (Text Editor, Notepad++), and I can copy from other programs (Firefox, Text Editor, Notepad++, LibreOffice) into LibreOffice, but I cannot copy from Paratext and paste into LO. Has anyone else faced this?, know a solution?

Paratext by (620 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

I know that this isn’t just a Linux problem. I’m on Windows and
often struggle to paste anything into Libre Office (Writer and
Calc). There are several forums out there which have mentioned
similar issues, but I don’t know if anyone has come up with a
definitive answer or work-around. Somehow LO is not recognizing
that the clipboard content has been changed/updated and pastes
whatever it has in its own clipboard.

  As for Paratext, I assume that you know there are limitations on

how much/little text you can copy from a Resource text at a time.
Is that possibly part of the issue as well?


by (2.7k points)

Thanks for the reply, Mark. Yes, I know it’s not just a Linux problem; there are a number of bugs open on the issue of LO copy / paste (specifically that old clipboard data gets copied). My issue seems a bit different.
I’ve done a bit more poking around and found that in Wasta Linux (the version I’m using), there’s a paperclip in the taskbar. If I click an item in the paperclip list, it does get copied into LO! But I have to use the paperclip–keyboard / mouse commands don’t work…
Again, this only affects data copied from Paratext; I haven’t encountered it with any other program. And, yes, I’m aware of the ‘copy-from-Resource’ restriction; I’m trying to copy from our vernacular text (where I presume / hope those restrictions wouldn’t apply?).

0 votes

From Paul’s description it seems that Wasta Linux has packaged the Diodon Cipboard manager. For other versions of Linux one would have to install Diodon from the Software Manager or from the Terminal. I use Diodon. It works adequately though annoyingly sometimes misses out a few words at the end when pasting from Paratext.

by (126 points)

Yes, I’ve since learned that the paperclip is Diodon, which is packaged with Wasta.
Q: you say you’re pasting from Paratext; is that to LibreOffice, or elsewhere? And do you have to use Diodon to paste from Paratext, or can you use keyboard shortcuts / mouse actions as well?

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Typo: Cipboard should be Clipboard.

by (126 points)
0 votes

It is very uneven. Sometimes shortcuts work other times I have to use Diodon. Diodon has the advantage that it keeps everything in a clipboard cache so you can re-paste things you have copied previously. I find this useful if I need to repeatedly paste a special character.

by (126 points)

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