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I am a consultant working with the Japanese Sign Language translation, and need access to a variety of Japanese language translations. The only one I see accessible in the Paratext list is the Japanese Contemporary Bible. Does anyone know how I can get access to others? I know that other translations have used Paratext in the translation process, so imagine they should be available. How would I go about finding out?

Paratext by (105 points)

2 Answers

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I can see them in the registry. Unfortunately, not everyone shares their translations with all translators, we need to educate people on the importance of enabling other translators. If you tell me which translations matter to you, we ask them to check the box. Sometimes they just didn’t know they had to do this or didn’t think about other translators needing their translation. Sometimes they have a reason they don’t want to do this.

Do you have a relationship with the Japan Bible Society? They own a lot of these. Biblica is usually very happy to share. I haven’t asked Bible League International about any of their translations.

The following are publisher tier translations in Japanese:

  • Japanese Colloquial Version 1955, 1975, 1984, 2002 (Japan Bible Society)
  • The Bible with Deuterocanonicals - Apocrypha, The New Interconfessional Translation (Japan Bible Society)
  • Japan Bible Society Interconfessional Version 聖書 聖書協会共同訳 (Japan Bible Society)
  • Japanese New Revised Version (Japan Bible Society)
  • JIV Study Bible (Japan Bible Society)
  • Japanese_コンテンポラリー・バイブル (Bible League International)
  • Japanese Living Bible (リビングバイブル) #117/7031 (Biblica)
    Feel free to reach out to me by email.


[Email Removed]

by (448 points)

Dear anon892024,

Thank you so much for your quick response. Having access to these will be a huge help.

The only one I see now available is “Japanese Living Bible (リビングバイブル) #117/7031 (Biblica)”

All of the others on your list are in wide use and would be very helpful to have access to.

I do have a good relationship with Japan Bible Society which should help with some of these. Is this something I should talk with them about directly? Or is it best to go through you first?

Thanks again for your help,


Hi Mark,

Ideally, I would like to see them share these translations with all translators, not just your team. I can find out who puts their texts into DBL, that is the person who can check the box that says translators can use it. Perhaps the most effective approach is for us to work together, you using your relationships to explain why this is important, me finding the person who can check the box on their behalf and making sure they know how if it is someone who doesn’t use DBL all the time?


Hi anon892024,
Great. Once you find out who it is that checks the box, I can contact them and explain the need.

Hi anon892024,
Any word yet on who checks the box? I believe Katsuomi Shimasaki is their Translation Officer–would he be the one to ask?

0 votes

For clarity the Japanese Contemporary Bible is the the Japanese Living Bible. In Japan the same text is distributed as The Living Bible.

by (1.8k points)

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

Biblica has been very generous about sharing their translations with other translators. I really appreciate that.


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