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I’m working to streamline the use of the minimal bandwidth available to our organization in Central Africa, and I’d like to prioritize Paratext traffic over the WAN connection. What is the range of ports used in PT8 and PT9? I’ve found the answer regarding PT7 (What TCP ports are used by Paratext 7), but it doesn’t seem relevant to PT9, which I’m and seems to be using port 52908 to look for the PT server and available projects and port 52924 when actually doing send/receive.

Paratext by (282 points)

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For future reference, you can find this information in the help inside of Paratext (article: What ports does Paratext use to access the Internet). They are mostly unchanged from PT7.

Internet [S/R] repository (TCP 443)
Usage tracking (TCP 1433)
Help updating (TCP 1433)
Remote support (various)
Remote support viewer (various)
Paratext updating (TCP 80)
Checking username (TCP 80)
Problem reporting (TCP 80)
Exception reporting (TCP 80)

I’m not sure why Paratext would be accessing ports outside of those listed. Can you verify which server is being accessed at the ports you listed?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Hm, this is my mistake. I was in a rush and checking on my own Wasta-Linux computer using $ lsof -i, but I now realize that what I see there are ports open on my own machine rather than ports used through the firewall. But with PT using common http/https ports I’ll need to change my strategy and maybe use the domain name to prioritize Paratext in the available bandwidth. Thanks for the clarification.

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