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When I try to copy a translation from Paratext Lite I can only select and copy one verse at a time. Is it possible to adjust it so that multiple verses can be copied at a time?

Paratext Lite by (213 points)

3 Answers

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Thanks anon089134 & anon848905,

I am able to make it look like more is selected - so more than 1 verse is highlighted blue, but the pink beginning and end markers are still around the verse I begun in and there is then no option to copy.

I have only just started using Paratext Lite. I can’t imagine doing a lot of editing on it as I like to have a big screen with multiple windows open etc. However, having access to the translation at all times would be great. But for community testing, sharing examples and suggesting changes to a colleague, I would need to be able to copy multiple verses for it to be really useful.

For example, sometimes when doing community testing a particular word or phrase is questioned and we’d like to test other places in the translation where that term is used with the person we are talking to. We don’t typically have laptops on us, at least not open, but with Paratext Lite I could quickly find and copy relevant passages and put them in a document. Then we can test them immediately, take notes on how different people responded, adjust them to give alternatives and see how each is understood etc.

by (213 points)

@anon953007, we didn’t anticipate people necesarily wanting to edit lots on it either, knowing that the screen real-estate on any portable device like a tablet is extremely limited. One thing that can help a bit with editing is to have an external keyboard that you plug in to your tablet.

And, @anon848905, thanks for your observation. I’ll check with the team later this week about copying multiple verses when we have a meeting.



Yes, if you are going to do much more than reading and inserting notes, it is very helpful to invest in a Bluetooth keyboard.

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Thank you for your request. The development team takes all requests seriously. We prioritise based on need and how much time it would take to implement them. To implement something like your request it would be helpful to know what you want to do with text you copy out of PTLite. Could you let us know what you might use it for? Again, thanks for your interest.

anon089134, for the team.

by [Moderator]
(239 points)
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I notice that if I try to start at the beginning of a verse(s) and swipe right I can only select one verse. However, if I start at the END of the verses and swipe towards the beginning I can select multiple verses. I do not get the markers, but I can select multiple verses.

by (8.5k points)

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And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25
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