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Dear colleagues,
I have one machine in our team (toshiba r950, i5, 16Gb) where both paratext 8 and 9 (latest versions) has started to freeze after a while. Sometime after 15 minutes, sometimes longer. I have just updated that machine to the latest W10 1909 updates. Does anyone experience similar problems after recent W10 updates ? What could cause Paratext to freeze, but not other software ?

Paratext by (316 points)

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@goodgoan, is this happening when Logos 8 is open? If you scroll through several “pages” of a Logos 8 resource, it will sometimes cause Paratext 8 & 9 to freeze up, even up to several minutes. See the discussion in the Translators Workplace group on Faithlife. It’s a bug.

by (163 points)

Sadly no, Logos is not installed on that machine. I did install the latest keyman 12 etc. I tried going back to but with the same result.

After updating windows 10 again, to the latest 18363.592, the problem went away. No more freezes.

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