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I was creating a new project in Paratext 8 and set the font in the project Language Settings window. After selecting the font Ratha99 (which is a Meitei Script) all the Markers, Chapter Numbers and Verse Numbers are changed into the font (script) which I selected. I do not want this to happen. How to go and fix this issue? I need your help. I want the Markers, Chapter and Verse numbers to be displayed in Roman and Arabic numerals.

Please see the captured screens in the attachment.!


Paratext by (211 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Paratext does not change numbers into script numbers, so it’s most likely just the font displaying the numbers as script numbers (i.e. the data is not changing, just how it is shown). To keep it from doing that, you would have to get a different font.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

If the markers are also changing how they are shown, I would guess that the font is a hacked, legacy font. So in addition to getting a different font, I suspect that you will also have to do an encoding conversion of all your data (with a tool such as TECkit) to Unicode.

by (185 points)

It is a hacked legacy
font. But the numbers should be fine. They are Meitei numbers at
the number code points.

It looks as though the hacked font has replaced the digits 0,1,2,…,9 with Meitei digits. This means that the digits 0,1,2,…,9 are not in the font and therefore cannot be displayed. (In addition, other characters that Paratext needs, such as \ and v, are not in the font because their location has been taken by a Meitei character.)

As Bobby pointed out, the best way to proceed is (a) to convert your data to Unicode and (b) to use a Unicode font that supports the Meitei script as well as the Latin script characters needed by Paratext.

You right I did not think
about needing the \v and things like that.

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