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I upgraded to Paratext 9 a few months ago and the translator working with me only recently upgraded. We had a hard time finding the project file when she upgraded and ended up copying it from my computer. But the project file on her computer somehow got altered. The name on my computer and for her in Paratext was NXL but it’s appearing for her as nxl. There is no NXL text available under Open Project. She is now working in the nxl project that appears on her computer but I’m not seeing her changes in the proper NXL project on my computer.

I don’t know if this could be caused by having 2 folders under the root directory:

  1. My Paratext 8 Project Settings
  2. My Paratext Project Settings

I only have the first one. She has an NXL folder and I’ve tried it in both of the above folders on her computer but it’s not listed in either one.

UPDATE: Now I’m seeing nxl on my computer. It seems like when I pull up the list of projects to do a send/receive both NXL and nxl are always saying there have been edits since the last send receive. I don’t know if they’re sending things back and forth to each other? Before the translator upgraded to Paratext 9 she was having problems with work disappearing from the associated back translation project.

Paratext by (140 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Copying a project from one computer to another will cause you serious problems. It breaks the send receive connection and the copied project will not sync with the original project. You cannot share any data that way. You need to stop all work in the copied
project and seek expert help to merge any editing made in the copied project.

If you do not have access to a pararext supporter near you, I recommend that you use the Help menu on your own good project to report a problem so you can be guided through recovering the data and getting the project properly working on the other computer.



by (1.3k points)

I don’t have any Paratext help where I am. That’s why I posted here. I copied it from one computer to the other because I couldn’t get it to appear in the list of projects on the other computer.

Only one chapter in John has been worked on in the computer it was copied to so it would be easy to copy it into Paratext if I could figure out how to get it working on the 2nd computer.

Hello @anon113466

I would encourage you to send/receive for usb.
(Send/Receive synchronization is the correct way to transmit a project. This keeps the project link between computers as well as the history).

If your computer has the main text and the second computer is the one missing the project, the steps would be:

*From your explanation it seems to me that you have projects with the same acronyms. If you are sure that they are not connected it will be better to delete the project they copied to the second computer.

  1. It would be better to have a backup of the project from the first computer. Go to Paratext -> Avanced -> Backup project to file…
    You will have a window where you must put your user name and choose where to save the .zip file with the copy (it is only for prevention, ideally you do not need to use it).
  2. On your computer, go to the project menu-> Project Settings -> User Permissions… and confirm that the user of the second computer is listed (that the name is spelled correctly).
  3. Connect a USB to your computer and in the Paratext-> Send/Receive menu. And choose the option “USB drive” (the USB must be connected before opening the Send/Receive).

    Select the required project and click the Send/Receive button.
  4. Connect the USB to the second computer and in the menu Paratext -> Send/Receive select the option “USB drive”.
    This will load the projects that the USB has to synchronize. Therefore, you will be able to see the project you sent in step 3.
  5. Select the correct project and start Send/Receive.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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