0 votes

PT9 installed smoothly on all of our office PCs except for one. (PT8 works with no problems on this PC.) This was the error log. Can anyone help?

[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i001: Burn v3.11.1.2318, Windows v10.0 (Build 10586: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Windows\Temp{691BE037-825E-484A-B3EF-4A084B8EE29B}.cr\Paratext_9.0.100.1_InstallerOffline.exe
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i009: Command Line: ‘"-burn.clean.room=C:\Users\Cult. Research (RKH)\Desktop\Paratext 9\Paratext_9.0.100.1_InstallerOffline.exe" -burn.filehandle.attached=388 -burn.filehandle.self=396’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleOriginalSource’ to value ‘C:\Users\Cult. Research (RKH)\Desktop\Paratext 9\Paratext_9.0.100.1_InstallerOffline.exe’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder’ to value ‘C:\Users\Cult. Research (RKH)\Desktop\Paratext 9’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleLog’ to value ‘C:\Users\CULT~1.RES\AppData\Local\Temp\Paratext_9.0.100_20191020095543.log’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleName’ to value ‘Paratext 9.0.100’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleManufacturer’ to value ‘United Bible Societies’
[0AB8:0964][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting numeric variable ‘WixStdBALanguageId’ to value 1033
[0AB8:0964][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting version variable ‘WixBundleFileVersion’ to value ‘’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i100: Detect begin, 5 packages
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘CPP2012Redist’ to value ‘1’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘Netfx46FullVersion’ to value ‘4.6.01038’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Registry key not found. Key = ‘SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\x86’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘CPP2010Redist’ to value ‘1’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i000: Setting string variable ‘Netfx46x64FullVersion’ to value ‘4.6.01038’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i052: Condition ‘(Netfx46FullVersion=“4.6.01038”) AND (NOT VersionNT64 OR (Netfx46x64FullVersion=“4.6.01038”))’ evaluates to true.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i052: Condition ‘CPP2010Redist’ evaluates to true.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i052: Condition ‘CPP2012Redist’ evaluates to true.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i052: Condition ‘CPP2017Redist’ evaluates to false.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i101: Detected package: Netfx461, state: Present, cached: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i101: Detected package: vc10, state: Present, cached: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i101: Detected package: vc12, state: Present, cached: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i101: Detected package: vc14, state: Absent, cached: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i101: Detected package: PtMsiPack, state: Absent, cached: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i052: Condition ‘(VersionNT >= v6.0)’ evaluates to true.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:43]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[0AB8:0964][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i000: Setting numeric variable ‘EulaAcceptCheckbox’ to value 1
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i200: Plan begin, 5 packages, action: Install
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i052: Condition ‘(VersionNT >= v6.0 OR VersionNT64 >= v6.0) AND (NOT (Netfx46FullVersion >= “4.6.01038” OR Netfx46x64FullVersion >= “4.6.01038”))’ evaluates to false.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: Netfx461
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: vc10
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: vc12
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: vc14
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleLog_vc14’ to value ‘C:\Users\CULT~1.RES\AppData\Local\Temp\Paratext_9.0.100_20191020095543_000_vc14.log’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i052: Condition ‘1’ evaluates to true.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleRollbackLog_PtMsiPack’ to value ‘C:\Users\CULT~1.RES\AppData\Local\Temp\Paratext_9.0.100_20191020095543_001_PtMsiPack_rollback.log’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleLog_PtMsiPack’ to value ‘C:\Users\CULT~1.RES\AppData\Local\Temp\Paratext_9.0.100_20191020095543_001_PtMsiPack.log’
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i201: Planned package: Netfx461, state: Present, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i201: Planned package: vc10, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i201: Planned package: vc12, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i201: Planned package: vc14, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: Yes, dependency: None
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i201: Planned package: PtMsiPack, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i300: Apply begin
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:46]i010: Launching elevated engine process.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i011: Launched elevated engine process.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i012: Connected to elevated engine.
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i358: Pausing automatic updates.
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i359: Paused automatic updates.
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i360: Creating a system restore point.
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i361: Created a system restore point.
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i370: Session begin, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}, options: 0x7, disable resume: No
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i000: Caching bundle from: ‘C:\Windows\Temp{7A19345F-931D-4C2A-BAD6-D583371F75D8}.be\Paratext_9.0.100.1_InstallerOffline.exe’ to: ‘C:\ProgramData\Package Cache{8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}\Paratext_9.0.100.1_InstallerOffline.exe’
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}, version:
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}, resume: Active, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[0AB8:0710][2019-10-20T09:55:47]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to extract all files from container, erf: 1:4:0
[0AB8:13D4][2019-10-20T09:55:47]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to begin and wait for operation.
[0AB8:13D4][2019-10-20T09:55:47]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to extract payload: a3 from container: WixAttachedContainer
[0AB8:13D4][2019-10-20T09:55:47]e312: Failed to extract payloads from container: WixAttachedContainer to working path: C:\Windows\Temp{691BE037-825E-484A-B3EF-4A084B8EE29B}.cr\Paratext_9.0.100.1_InstallerOffline.exe, error: 0x80070570.
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:47]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i372: Session end, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}, resume: None, restart: None, disable resume: No
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i352: Removing cached bundle: {8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache{8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}
[0E04:1238][2019-10-20T09:55:47]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{8cf8f3c3-1741-4462-8025-d6714dbb7097}, resume: None, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[0AB8:0ABC][2019-10-20T09:55:48]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80070570, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

Paratext by (216 points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

I just had a similar problem on a computer with Windows 10 Pro (ver. 10.0.15063).
I downloaded the offline installer on another computer, copied it to the computer in question with a flash drive, ran the installer, but it failed.
Then I downloaded the installer file directly from the PT website, but again the install failed.
The log file shows a few error messages, here is the last part of the log:
[05BC:174C][2023-03-30T18:57:16]i301: Applying execute package: NetFx48Web, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\4181398AA1FD5190155AC3A388434E5F7EA0B667\ndp48-web.exe, arguments: ‘“C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\4181398AA1FD5190155AC3A388434E5F7EA0B667\ndp48-web.exe” /q /norestart /ChainingPackage "Paratext 9.3 " /log C:\Users\Isles\AppData\Local\Temp\Paratext_9.3__20230330185537_000_NetFx48Web.log.html’
[05BC:174C][2023-03-30T18:57:23]e000: Error 0x800713ec: Process returned error: 0x13ec
[05BC:174C][2023-03-30T18:57:23]e000: Error 0x800713ec: Failed to execute EXE package.
[26C0:0544][2023-03-30T18:57:23]e000: Error 0x800713ec: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package.
[26C0:0544][2023-03-30T18:57:23]i319: Applied execute package: NetFx48Web, result: 0x800713ec, restart: None
[26C0:0544][2023-03-30T18:57:23]e000: Error 0x800713ec: Failed to execute EXE package.
[05BC:174C][2023-03-30T18:57:23]i351: Removing cached package: NetFx48Web, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\4181398AA1FD5190155AC3A388434E5F7EA0B667
[05BC:174C][2023-03-30T18:57:23]i372: Session end, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{20077ef9-9ca4-40be-a87a-4ccd72bc7732}, resume: None, restart: None, disable resume: No
[05BC:174C][2023-03-30T18:57:23]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {20077ef9-9ca4-40be-a87a-4ccd72bc7732}
[05BC:174C][2023-03-30T18:57:23]i352: Removing cached bundle: {20077ef9-9ca4-40be-a87a-4ccd72bc7732}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache{20077ef9-9ca4-40be-a87a-4ccd72bc7732}
[05BC:174C][2023-03-30T18:57:23]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{20077ef9-9ca4-40be-a87a-4ccd72bc7732}, resume: None, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[26C0:0544][2023-03-30T18:57:23]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x800713ec, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem and how to fix it?


by (505 points)

The error occurred while trying to install .Net 4.8 - which is required for Paratext 9.3.

I don’t find anything helpful by searching on the error code.

You could try getting the .Net 4.8 installer from here:

If it still fails, it outside the Paratext installer may provide more information


Paratext support

update: problem is gone after I let the laptop run Windows updates. It looked like it hadnꞌt been online for quite a while.

Thank you for letting us know @Paulus+Kieviet

Yes, this issue has crept up a few other times somewhat recently as well (where updating Windows allow Paratext to install).

Note to all: If you’re having trouble installing Paratext, try Windows updates first. :+1:


0 votes

I am also unable to install Paratext 9 on my own laptop, but it installs fine on all four laptops of the team I facilitate. In my case, the log file says “Error 0x80070643: Failed to install MSI package.” (I’ve tried several times, and it’s always that same error.)
(I don’t know it it’s relevant, but this laptop of mine also has some kind of glitch which prevents Google Drive from being completely accessible. Google Tech Support wasn’t able to figure out the problem, and advised me to reformat my hard drive and reinstall everything from scratch. But everything else has worked fine, until this problem with installing Paratext 9. So, does the Paratext 9 installer have some relationship with Google?)

by (264 points)
0 votes

Please use Help > Report a problem or send an email to [Email Removed] so we can better help you.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

This error means that the download installer had a problem - the contents can not be extracted.

Try re-downloading the installer file or copying it from a machine that was successful.


by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)

Thank you. I copied the installation file to the computer by flash drive instead of wireless server, and then it worked.

0 votes

I had a similar problem “Failed to extract all files from container”, after copying the installer to the computer with a USB stick. I verified the hash with Hash Tool, and it was indeed different from the original. So I deleted the installer, made a new copy on the same USB stick, ejected the USB stick (if you don’t eject, the data might still be in the computer cache and not be read off the stick at all), reinserted the stick and checked the hash, and it was STILL different (and I believe identical to the previous bad hash). So I tried a different USB stick, verified that the hash was correct, and was then able to install. This USB stick hasn’t shown any other data integrity problems, so I’m really surprised that the PT9 installer would seem to have a problem TWICE, without any indication from Windows that there was a problem. Maybe there is something about the installer that is prone to data integrity issues?

Anyway, I just share my experiences in case they help someone else avoid frustration.

by (1.4k points)
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