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I just installed PT9. I tried to open my Notes from PT8, but following the Help topic doesn’t help:

How do I open a Notes list?

  1. Click the tab of your project to make it the active tab.
  2. Click the tab menu icon in your project, then from the Tools menu, select Notes list.
  3. Select one or more projects whose notes you wish to see.
  4. Click OK.

Specifically, there is no Tools menu in the menu list. I do have “Full Menus” selected.

Paratext by (620 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

You’re likely looking at the wrong menu. There are 2 categories of menus in PT9. There is one Main Menu, which is in the upper left of the entire PT program is likely what you’ve been looking at.

Each tab or window then has a Project Menu in the upper left of just that window. It’s under this list where you’ll find the Notes option.

Splitting up the menus is extremely helpful. In particular, the Project Menu customizes itself to only show options that work for that particular kind of window. So you won’t usually see grayed out options which are only applicable to other styles of windows.

by (1.8k points)

Thanks mnjames–found it. I’ve written to the people who wrote the UI introduction materials about some other things, and am now suggesting that they take a look at better highlighting that there are menus for every open project / resource / whatever.

The jury is still out with me as to whether or not splitting up menus is “extremely helpful.” Obviously, in the first instance, it was far from it… And going back and checking it out, it seems ‘busy’–especially in a tabbed view. The potential to miss the menu ‘hamburger’ and accidentally hit the ‘X’ to close the adjoining tab to the left seems pretty high.

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