PSA 106:48 #La forme de citation (“Ki‑ taa ki puu bɛ̀”) est absente du glossaire: \w In the text you use 2011 for the hyphen, but in the Glossary you use 002D
PSA 106:48 #« Ki‑ taa ki puu bɛ̀ » contient des caractères inattendus non composants de mots [« ‑ »] In your word medial characters of the Language settings you have 002D and NOT 2011. You might need to include 2011 as an Alphabetic character since it is not used word medially. The use of 2011 and 002D seems to be mixed - do they have different uses?
: \w
ROM 10:11 #Marqueur vide : \ft You have an \ft followed immediately by an \xt. This makes the \ft “empty”. The \ft can be removed or you can put the + before the \xt as in 11:34.
ROM 11:27 #Marqueur vide : \ft You have an \ft followed immediately by an \xt. This makes the \ft “empty”. The \ft can be removed or you can put the + before the \xt as in 11:34.
1CO 15:55 #Marqueur vide : \p The \p before \v55 should be replaced with the \q that follows. \q \v 55 \qt …
GAL 6:18 #La forme de citation (“Ki- taa ki puu baa”) est absente du glossaire: \w In the text you use 2011 for the hyphen, but in the Glossary you use 002D
Thank you so much for your help!