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anon848905, I’m doing a verification of markers before heading to SIL for typesetting, and I have an error that I do not know how to fix. It is in our nyarafolo expression for Amen and in the one for Alleluia, each one a four-word phrase that is used in the language habitually for the meanings of these words. At the read-through, the «naturalization» process kept these phrases and threw out the foreign words. But due to the fact that some read French and might compare, we wanted to link those phrases to the GLO. I did that. But now an error message appears when I verify the markers, because of the hypen in each one that is used to mark imperative/subjunctive tone. How do I fix this, to somehow make it normal that that hypen can be at the end of a word? Example:

Ps 106.48o

\qc «\w Ki‑ taa ki puu bɛ̀\w*~!»

Error message: this formKi‑ taa ki puu bɛ̀ is absent from the GLO. (It is there, and is accepted everywhere else)

Error message: this includes unexpected signs that are not words [« - »] as making up the words

Thanks for all your help!


Côte d’Ivoire

[Phone Removed]


Paratext by (145 points)

2 Answers

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Hmm. It is hard to know what the issue is without seeing the project. Can you send me a backup of the project? or add me as a consultant to the project so that I can see the errors? As to the hyphen, I’m wondering if it is correctly added to the language settings.

by (8.5k points)

You are added as a consultant. And I’ve worked on the whole list off and on, so now there are a few others I cannot figure out:

PSA 106:48 #La forme de citation (“Ki‑ taa ki puu bɛ̀”) est absente du glossaire: \w

PSA 106:48 #« Ki‑ taa ki puu bɛ̀ » contient des caractères inattendus non composants de mots [« ‑ »]

: \w

ROM 10:11 #Marqueur vide : \ft

ROM 11:27 #Marqueur vide : \ft

1CO 15:55 #Marqueur vide : \p

GAL 6:18 #La forme de citation (“Ki- taa ki puu baa”) est absente du glossaire: \w

Thank you so much for your help!


Côte d’Ivoire

[Phone Removed]


I’ll answer below. One thing that needs attention is the use of the hyphen. Many times you use U002D (hyphen) and other times you use U2011 (non-breaking). There are 5,647 of the U002D and 1,189 of the U2011.

Sorry, I don’t see an “answer” below. And I am confused about the two hypen types. But I’m going to bed right now and will check tomorrow!


Côte d’Ivoire

[Phone Removed]


PSA 106:48 #La forme de citation (“Ki‑ taa ki puu bɛ̀”) est absente du glossaire: \w In the text you use 2011 for the hyphen, but in the Glossary you use 002D

PSA 106:48 #« Ki‑ taa ki puu bɛ̀ » contient des caractères inattendus non composants de mots [« ‑ »] In your word medial characters of the Language settings you have 002D and NOT 2011. You might need to include 2011 as an Alphabetic character since it is not used word medially. The use of 2011 and 002D seems to be mixed - do they have different uses?

: \w

ROM 10:11 #Marqueur vide : \ft You have an \ft followed immediately by an \xt. This makes the \ft “empty”. The \ft can be removed or you can put the + before the \xt as in 11:34.

ROM 11:27 #Marqueur vide : \ft You have an \ft followed immediately by an \xt. This makes the \ft “empty”. The \ft can be removed or you can put the + before the \xt as in 11:34.

1CO 15:55 #Marqueur vide : \p The \p before \v55 should be replaced with the \q that follows. \q \v 55 \qt …

GAL 6:18 #La forme de citation (“Ki- taa ki puu baa”) est absente du glossaire: \w In the text you use 2011 for the hyphen, but in the Glossary you use 002D

Thank you so much for your help!

Thanks ! I will work on fixing these. The problem with the hypen is really weird, because we always use the Nyarafolo Keyman and there is only one way to insert a hypen. So how do these different ones show up? And how do I discover that so that we can have them all the same? No, the hypens do not have different uses!!


Côte d’Ivoire

[Phone Removed]


I “fixed” the hyphen issue by copying and pasting until all were accepted. Still don’t understand the different hyphens!


Côte d’Ivoire

[Phone Removed]


The Unicode 2011 is a
non-breaking hyphen. The other hyphen, u002D, is the keyboard
hyphen and is a breaking hyphen. 2011 will never have a line
break after that hyphen. 002D allows a line break to occur if

0 votes

I figured out these two!!

ROM 10:11 #Marqueur vide : \ft

ROM 11:27 #Marqueur vide : \ft


Côte d’Ivoire

[Phone Removed]


by (145 points)

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