0 votes

I just upgraded to and I assume this problem comes from the new version. But before reporting an error I thought I’d check to see if I’m missing something obvious.

When I add a new footnote, many footnotes inside the current chapter have random spaces converted to ~ marks. At least it appears random–it’s always the same spaces in a given chapter if I undo and redo the process, but I don’t see any logic in which spaces it’s picking.

Does anyone know what’s causing this?

Paratext by (1.8k points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

We have identified the problem and hope to have a fix out today or tomorrow. The version with the fix should be

We recommend that everyone using downgrade to or wait until the fix is released as it is a general problem with the Scripture Text window.

We apologize to everyone who has experienced this problem.

EDIT: should be available to pre-release users now.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

Could you post a screenshot?

EDIT: I just tried this in a test project and could not reproduce it. Hopefully a screenshot will shed some light on this issue.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


[Image removed]
[Image removed]

Note that we’re not using ~ anywhere in our text, so it’s marked as an invalid character (which makes spotting it easy!).

I’m getting the same problem. It showed up in the Compare Texts tool, when comparing my current version for recent changes on 63.6. When I upgraded to 63.7, same thing.
I have never used ~ for anything, but now they are all over in the footnotes, so clearly PT inserted them. There are many tens of thousands of them, if you do a ctrl F search, but they don’t all display as tildes, so are probably spaces of some sort. (In one single book (Heb), more than 31.000.) The visible ones tend to be before the \ft marker, after an \xt reference. If they are missing, there is a missing space. According to Compare Texts, mine got inserted at about 17 hours UTC+8 on 12 Sept 19 in exchange for spaces.

I just got a reply to my Bug Report stating that this had very high priority, so I think they’ve identified there’s a real problem here.

Just for background, the tilde ~ is a standard character used by many translations in place of a space. It represents a non-breaking space, which you would use if you want a visual space but you don’t want the word before and after to ever get broken over a line.

I’m hoping for a fix in the 63.8 or some other upcoming version. If that fix doesn’t include reverting all the changes made (and since you don’t use ~ anywhere), it should be fairly simple to do a find-and-replace to convert all the ~ back into spaces.

0 votes

Does the problem happen when showing spelling errors is turned off?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Yes, it does. It also occurs when highlighting invalid characters is turned off.

0 votes

Strange. Could you submit a problem report so we can look more into this issue?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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