+1 vote

When searching the Paratext Registry there are filters that you can use:

country:[two letter country code found here]
Example: country:gb (Great Britain)

org:[organization name as shown in the URL for that organization’s page]
Example: org:sil-international-in-africa

language:[using two or three-letter codes]
Example language:fr (French)

script:[script name]
Example script:Latn

type:[type of project] (First, New, Revision, “Study / Help Material”)
Example type:First type:“Study / Help Material” (quotes needed for this one)

is:[specific attributes] (confidential, revoked)
Example is:confidential

visibility:[standard, confidential, or training] (Standard, Confidential, “Test or Training”)
Example visibility:"Test or Training"

NOTE! You can combine searches by using two filters separated by a space:
org:sil-international-in-africa country:tg

Paratext by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)


2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Glad to know this.

Under “type of project” how do you filter out the test and training projects?

And can you combine filters, like:
country:TD AND script:Latn ?

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

By specifying two options for the visibility field using visibility:Standard visibility:Confidential. (There’s no way to do negative filters at the moment, but that might be a good idea.)

You can just do country:TD script:Latn, as adding two different filters will have an “AND” effect. (However, specifying the same filter twice will have an OR effect, so language:fr language:en will return French and English projects.)

0 votes

Is there a way to filter by Status?

by (1.8k points)

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