0 votes

We find issue over the markers \ior and \r, when we make LIST OF CHAPTERS (for eg: \r (लूका 12:51-53; 14:26-27). The first reference it shows in green color as accepted, but the second reference it shows as red-underlined as unaccepted.

This even happens in \ior

The scripture reference settings are configured accurately as drafted in the text.

Thank You

Paratext by (120 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

When you hover over the red x Paratext will indicate what error exists in the reference. Based on an error report sent in through Paratext, I believe that the errors you are experiencing are “Missing space between book and chapter”. This is a result of invalid book names for 1st and 2nd Chronicles. In the book names list, these were identified as only “1” and “2”. So, when Paratext sees the 1 in a reference it thinks it is a book name and expects a space. If you fix the book names then the errors should disappear.

by (8.4k points)

Dear anon848905,
Thank you for your response.
This red x message comes even in the books with book name without numbers (eg: luke). And I tried to do copy and paste from Scripture Reference Settings yet it gives the red x.


Thank you

Dear anon237655,

Here is a video describing the problem and solution. https://www.loom.com/share/df5427315ae8430cb09db40223e0ddbb

Hope that helps.


Thank you so much anon848905,
They are now happily proceeding. I will keep this in mind to check in the coming days.


0 votes

I’m guessing that the reference settings haven’t been set up right. Can you confirm which dash/hyphen, en-dash, and/or em-dash options you are using in the settings as in the text. Alt-X should reveal whether it is \u2013, or \u2014 or just a simple dash. Note that references which span chapters will probably need the en-dash or em-dash.

by (2.6k points)

Dear Mark,
I carefully looked at those aspect and even tried copy and paste. It seems to be very strange. It would be grateful if you can see the screen remotely and to check.

Thank You

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