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A user asks how to keep renderings consistent for names throughout the whole Bible. But Biblical terms has separate entries for Greek and for Hebrew. How do users keep proper names consistent across the whole Bible?

Paratext by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

2 Answers

0 votes

One of the only methods I have heard of is to sort the terms by the English gloss column so that you have the English terms sorted together. Of course if you are using a different interface then you might sort by that language column.

by (8.1k points)
0 votes

John Macauley (SIL) created a project called BIBNAMES (Bible Names Common to Both Testaments). You can contact him about getting access to it in Paratext. I’ve used this in keeping terms consistent between Greek & Hebrew.

by (231 points)

You’d have to contact him. This is a link to the original thread where I heard about this:

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