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In Paratext there is a bug in the formatting in a back translation project. Before each verse there is normally a square, but there are problems with squares that appear first in a book or chapter. For some reason there is an extra space shown after the first letter of the word following the square. It appears in Standard, Formatted and Preview views, but not in Basic or Unformatted view.

Is this a problem in the usfm style sheet? It was introduced in version 77, since it is not present in version 74.

Paratext by (869 points)

5 Answers

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Just for your information, the problem with the wordlist and saving the hyphenation has been around since Paratext 7.x. Going back to any previous Paratext 8 version will not solve that problem.

As for the problem with the space, I didn’t see any coding changes from 74 to 77 that I thought could have affected that view at all. Please use Help > Report a problem to report the problem to us so we can look at it in more detail.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
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To be precise, all “daughter projects” have the tick boxes (check boxes), not only back translations.

by (1.4k points)
0 votes

Thanks, I have no daughter projects to work with. I can go back to version 74 to avoid this bug, but that version has a more serious bug related to closing the Wordlist window, so I prefer to live with this small bug in 77. Otherwise I need to go back to version 69 which has none of these two bugs.

by (869 points)
0 votes

The problem I have with the Wordlist in 74, which is not a problem in 69, is not connected to saving the hyphenations. It just takes too long to close the window in 74.
I’ll send a report about the other problem.

by (869 points)
0 votes

Just to say, we’ve noticed the same problem. At first I thought it might be a problem with the non-Roman font we’re using for Back Translation into the national language, but when I looked at an English BT using Times New Roman I see the same problem. It is present in 75 as well.

When you start typing after a tick box, the cursor at first starts out tight up against the box. But normally when you stop typing, PT inserts some space after the tick box to separate it from the text. But if it’s the first box of the chapter the space is inserted after the first letter typed rather than after the box. If Iver+Larsen is sending a Problem Report I won’t send another one, but just wanted to say it seems to be a general bug, not specific to any one project.

by (300 points)

It has been corrected in version 83.

Ah, thanks for letting us know. Hopefully version 83 will be made generally available soon. Right now it’s only available if you’re on the pre-release update stage, which we don’t want to put all users on. But good to know a fix is coming.

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