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A translator is trying to use the Interlinearizer tool and select the option to Automatically export verses when approved, but his project is not included in the list of projects listed for choosing the Destination Text.

I looked at the Project Properties and settings and see that there is an alert about Incomplete tab(s) in: Associations. There I see that Associated Lexical Project is specified as FieldWorks Onnele Goiniri, but an alert there says The associated lexical project does not exist. In the Guide for that screen, it says you must have FieldWorks 8.2 or later installed on your computer to associate a FieldWorks lexical project. His computer doesn’t, so there’s no option to change anything there, but I’m wondering if this is what is causing the problem. I should be able to change this on another computer and do send/receive.

I’m surprised this is happening. We use the Interlinearizer tool all the time, and we never associate with FieldWorks (purposely), although we have used FieldWorks.

Paratext by (280 points)

3 Answers

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On another computer, the Fieldworks association does not include the alert because the Fieldworks project does exist on that computer, but we still have the same problem. The project does not appear in the list of projects that the Interlinearizer can export to. This is true even after removing the association on that computer.

We are mostly using Chorus Hub locally at this workshop. I wonder if these changes have to go through the Internet server to make it work.

by (280 points)

Okay, a local translator discovered a workaround for this problem. He opened the Interlinearizer without selecting the “Automatically export verses when approved” button. Once in the Interlinearizer he clicked on the “Export to text” button. Within that window, the option to “Automatically export verses when approved” is there, and it appears to be an option that is available. He will need to actually be in a verse that he is ready to approve all the glosses and export the text before he changes that option. Once he does, the “Approve glosses” button will become an “Approve and Export to XYZ” button.

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This same problem happened again today with the same user on a new computer that we started using today. We followed the same workaround solution. But it’s a puzzlement why this ever happened, and for the same user. It seems that some association needed to be made afresh on the new computer.

by (280 points)
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The best thing to do if it happens again is to have the user use Help > Give feedback so we can look into it.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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