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Being a translation consultant I have started a consultant notes project.

I am wondering whether or when this is being backed up when doing a send/receive. Will it only be backed up when I do send/receive with one specific project, or not at all or with any send/receive?


Paratext by (153 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer


You might be thinking of how consultant notes projects worked a few years ago when they had to be associated with a resource or project to give it the book/chapter/verse references. This is no longer the case. Consultant notes projects are not limited to any one specific project. (Yet, they can be made visible in any standard translation or Back translation.


by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

Thank you, all.

Hi anon015155,

If you select your Consultant Notes project in the normal way that

you would select any ordinary project for Send/Recv then it will get
“backed up” on the server just like any other project. Keep in mind
that Consultant Notes projects are not registered in the registry,
but still exist.

0 votes


A Consultant Notes project (one that is designated as a Consultant Notes project in the project properties and settings) can be Sent to the Internet (as a backup) once the User settings have been set up. Go to Project > Users, Roles and Permissions and set up the project to Send/Receive. You can share the project with others, but this is not a requirement to Send/Receive.

by (8.5k points)

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