0 votes

Sometimes when I export to RTF, I get what looks like the raw RTF displayed in Word; at other times, the export works fine – whether it works or not seems to vary depending on the verse range I choose, for example, it always works correctly if I export a whole book.

I have pasted a section below. I exported Luke 4:0–5:0. Our language uses a Cyrillic alphabet, which is presumably why there is no readable text in the output below, but lots of “\‹unnnn›?”.

BTW, what I really want to do right now is to copy a short section into Word, while preserving the formatting for poetry/OT quotations. I do hope that in PT8 cut-and-paste will preserve formatting.

\s48\ql\fi0\lin0\rin0\sb160\sa80\b\i0\ul0\scaps0\nosupersub\cf2\fs39 4

\u1040?\u1079? \u1086?\u1079?\u1084?\u1086?\u1080?\u1096?

{\cs53\b0\i0\ul0\scaps0\super\cf2\fs26 1\~}

\u1048?\u1089?\u1086? \u1072?\u1079?
\u1052?\u1091?\u1179?\u1072?\u1076?\u1076?\u1072?\u1089? \u1087?\u1091?\u1088?
\u1096?\u1091?\u1076?\u1072?, \u1072?\u1079?
\u1089?\u1086?\u1203?\u1080?\u1083?\u1080? \u1076?\u1072?\u1088?\u1105?\u1080?
\u1262?\u1088?\u1076?\u1091?\u1085? \u1073?\u1072?\u1088?\u1075?\u1072?\u1096?\u1090?
\u1074?\u1072? \u1080?\u1085? \u1056?\u1263?\u1203? \u1262?\u1088?\u1086?
\u1073?\u1072? \u1073?\u1080?\u1105?\u1073?\u1086?\u1085?
\u1073?\u1091?\u1088?\u1076?. {\cs53\b0\i0\ul0\scaps0\super\cf2\fs26 2\~}
Paratext by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

This should already work. Make sure you are pasting as formatted HTML in Word.

EDIT: I just tried and it strips paragraph and color formatting so disregard the previous message. :neutral_face:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

I’m still having this problem – can someone help?

BTW, it seems to happen when the starting chapter is a chapter other than 1, and the starting verse is 0.

by (1.4k points)

It sounds like a bug in Paratext, so the only thing that can fix it is for the developers to fix it. Did you send in a problem report (Help > Report a Problem)?

0 votes

Still encountered this issue in PT 8 on a Windows 10 machine upgraded from Windows 7. The solution provided above worked as well. Thank-you for the solution.
Interestingly, on a Windows 10 machine purchased with Windows 10, this issue has not surfaced.

by (135 points)

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