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We have a couple of custom markers we use for white space. Markers check complains about them being empty, but they are supposed to be empty. The \b marker is always empty but the markers check does not complain about it. But I can see nothing unique in the default.sty or the usfm.sty that defines \b as acceptable to be empty. What is the trick to getting the markers check to not complain about a style being empty?

Paratext by (153 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

\b is explicitly ignored in the check which is why it does not complain.
I would like to question you on why you are creating markers for “white space”. It seems like a strange thing to do. :thinking:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

We are wanting a half space line (6 pt) besides the full space line (\b). Also we are currently using \mt# for spacing in the title page since we are already using \mt# there. (Maybe not the best practice, but that is the situation I have found just coming into this.) This is all for Translator’s Notes, not a Bible. Lastly, the verse numbers are useless to us, but necessary for syncing windows to an address, obviously. So we put a \p before it (so it doesn’t show up at the end of the previous paragraph, and we put our own paragraph marker immediately after the \v, so Paratext complains about empty \p-s as well.

by (153 points)

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