No, columns won’t work.* But I think a table would:
Simplest: make a table with two columns and paste one language in each column. Fiddle with the font size, line spacing or table column widths to make the verses in the two translations roughly line up .
One step up: make rows in the table, and paste each chapter (or section; or paragraph) into a row: this will improve the alignment.
I also use this method when translating ordinary documents, particularly when the final document should contain both languages. Put the text in column 1, and translate in column 2. Start a new row for, e.g., every numbered point in a contract of employment; or for every paragraph.
* Columns in Word or desktop publishing software are designed for text that you want to flow as follows:
- Page 1, column 1;
- Page 1, column 2;
- Page 2, column 1;
- Page 2, column 2;
- etc.
Therefore, they are useless for displaying two texts side-by-side.