0 votes

I’m trying to help a remote team remotely and they have limited internet connectivity. I was with this team a few days ago. I ran into this problem while I was with them, but I couldn’t resolve the issue, so I submitted a problem report.

We have recently bought a new laptop for this team and installed ParaTExt and provided with the registration information. However when we open ParaTExt none of the projects opens and we get an error message (the first section of the image below.

As you can see in the image above, The current version of ParaTExt on this computer is, but the projects on his computer requires The Help>Update says ParaTExt is already up to date.

John+Wickberg W. looked at the problem report and said that the registry says this user having the version

I don’t know what to do here. Could someone please help me?

Paratext by (229 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

It looks as if some members of the team are using the beta versions of Paratext and need to be upgraded to version 8.0.100.xx

Note that when moving from a beta version (anything less than 8.0.100.xx) you cannot just “update” the computers, but you must do a full install of the installer and then update to the latest patch. You can do the update by simply running the update patch after the installer has run.

For teams with limited internet it would be best if one person can download the install file and update patch from https://pt8.paratext.org/download/currentversion/ (The patch as of today February 14, 2019 is called “patch_8.0.100.74.msp”)

Note: Everyone on the project(s) should be updated to the current version. There have been several points at which updates have made changes that require updates of everyone on the project.

by (8.5k points)

Thank you @anon848905 for the quick response. Is there a way to know who are the team members needs an update? These projects are happily opening on their existing laptops (including mine: We get this message only on the new laptop we bought.
I’m pretty sure that on the new laptop, this was the first time ParaTExt is installed and the support team must have (I’m not sure though) the latest download from the ParaTExt site.

If you go to registry.paratext.org and view your organization, there will be a Statistics tab on the organization which will show the Paratext version that was used the last time the user contacted the registry server - this is done each time a send/receive is done to the internet.


Paratext Support

Oh I got you. I wasn’t paying attention to the fact that it is 0.63 as oppose to 100.xx. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess the support team has installed ParaTExt from a wrong source.

Big Thanks

+1 vote

You can also see what version a user had for the last S/R by going to Project > Recent Changes. You might need to filter the date to an earlier date to see all the users.

by (8.5k points)
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