We have a project that uses a language I’ll call Lang1. The Windows keyboard setting for Lang1 is Azeri, since Lang1 is not in Windows’ list of languages; but Azeri is set to use a Lang1 keyboard created with MSKLC.
One user has the following problem in the IL when glossing Lang1 in English: every time he clicks a wrong gloss and enters a new gloss he has to change the Windows keyboard to English; as soon as he presses , the keyboard changes back to Azeri. As you can imagine, doing this for every gloss he types really slows him down!
In PT, the Lang1 project (i.e. the main project) has the Project ➢ Keyboard set to Azeri.
The feature to choose a keyboard for PT to automatically switch to does not exist for the IL window – I wish it did. Shall I put in a Feature Request for it? (Click
below to vote for this feature.)
What do others see when using the IL? If you choose the English keyboard, say, or Russian, does it “stick”, or does the layout sometimes change to a different one?
BTW, it’s hard for me to use Report a Problem: I’d have to do it from the user’s computer, but this user no longer works in the same office as me.