+2 votes

The question is in the title. The background is that @RSquared and I have a computer where we can’t find the “My Paratext8 Projects” folder, and we’d appreciate knowing a way to locate it.

This topic – How do I change the location of the My Paratext Projects folder? – explains how to change the folder’s location, but doesn’t say how to locate where it currently is … which is a critical first step if you want to move it! :smiley:

Paratext by (1.4k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

If you open RegEdit and paste this address/path:

…you should see the location within: Program_Files_Directory_Ptw8

by (2.7k points)

Thank you , @Mark+P. Since writing the above, I also found the same path in the Registry, but …

… that key points to the program folder, the place where it’s installed; “Settings_Directory” points to the data folder, aka “My Paratext8 Projects”.

The full path to the key:


But is this the actual key that PT leans on when it wants to know where the data folder is?

Yes, that is the registry entry that Paratext uses (on a 64-bit OS).


Can one paste into the Windows Registry Editor? That would save quite a bit of time, but I can’t see how you do it. Can you enlighten me?

0 votes

Have you tried Ctrl-V and Enter?
by (2.7k points)
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