Print Draft is mostly working fine. We have people with special needs, so managed to boost font size to 16. And got the “DRAFT” footer comment, away from the edge of the paper, so it will get printed.
(Background information:
Our main stylesheet is usfm_blo.sty. It is not in the project folder but one layer above, in the main PT8 projects-folder, because we are using one special marker for our local admin needs: \zblo
Since \zblo is not mentioned in usfm.sty, we did not manage to tweak it in our custom.sty at project-folder level. So our custom.sty is basically empty.
This is just background in case it might be relevant. Please note that all the above is working great within PT8.)
There are only a few details not working as expected:
This is a specific example of our problem:
We use the normal marker \add … \add* a lot for translation-acountability.
But in print draft I want to remove the default bold and italic format and have put
\Bold -
\Italic -
into our \PT8\BLO02\PrintDraft\PrintDraft-mods.sty. The print draft process seems to ignore this.
It also ignored all my testing with font-sizes and colors (because I suspected the syntax " -" to be the issue). So feels like the entire file is being ignored. Does this work like CSS, where I only write what needs to be changed, or do I need to copy the entire definition for \add from our usfm_blo.sty and then edit for overrides?
Interestingly, I also have some page-layout tweaks in our \PT8\BLO02\PrintDraft\PrintDraft-mods.tex and all those are being applied just fine.
What are the proper steps please to include our PrintDraft-mods.sty in the PDF generation process please? I tried guessing many tricks (like re-starting PT8 after each edit) but did not succeed.
The help does not mention printdraft-BLO02-LUK.log any more, just PrintDraftChanges.txt (which is working fine).
The printdraft-BLO02-LUK.log is showing one mysterious line:
(no adjustment list “C:/Users/…/PT8/BLO02/PrintDraft/43LUKBLO02-draft.SFM.adj” found)
And Google did not bring up anything about such an “adjustment list”. Do I need to make one? Is this new in PT8?
Any help is welcome, because that project is entering a phase, where a lot of drafts shall get printed on paper in different layouts (one double-spaced and several normal-line-spaced) for testing with people outside the office. So getting a good grasp of the print draft will help a lot. Thank you.