0 votes

Have you done a Topical Index in Paratext? If so, would you mind sharing what yours looked like? I’m specifically interested in the formatting: did you use a list, a table, or something else? Did you include \xt for the references?
That sort of thing.

Or, have you developed a generic Topic Index that can be translated into another language?

We’re trying to create a “Base” Topical Index for use in PNG where all of the passage references are already there and language teams just have to translate the topics and headings into vernacular.

Thank you,



Paratext by (411 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Hi james_post

  Yes, we did a Topical Index in our published Kuni NT. As its Base

we used a Topical Index in Word that someone had created some years

  This is what it looks in Paratext:

  \mt1 Baebol manqat vinivinimba, gekham-tē qonǿqeīv

  \s1 Mbumbukiam-qa yaq-te

  \s2 Mbumbukiam, ndego Tat, teqa yaq-te

  \li1 Mak 10:27

  \li1 Mak 12:29-30

  \li1 Luk 1:37

  \li1 Luk 6:35-36

  \li1 Zion 4:23-24


  \s2 Mbumbukiam-ge Yo-qa yaq-te, ndego Yesu Keliso

  \s3 Yesu Keliso, ndego unimanqatin Mbumbukiam-gé yó

  \li1 Met 11:27-30

  \li1 Met 16:13-17

  \li1 Mak 1:9-11


\s3 Yesu, ndego Mbumbukiam-ge Yo, geqan, gemø-ezoqam-ev

\li1 Zion 1:14

\li1 Luk 1:26-38


\s2 Nqova Mbomambaqape-qa yaq-te

\li1 Met 28:19

\li1 Mak 1:9-11

I'm attaching the first page of how it came out in the published


Let me know if you need more info.

by (236 points)
0 votes

Hi, james_post,

I have a Paratext 8 project called Intro. It was first developed as an
example of thematic section headings, but then sample book introductions,
glossary and a topical index were added. I have included you as a user, so
you can have a look at it. Next time you do a S/R, you should see it as a
NEW project.


by (869 points)
0 votes

@james_post Did you build that Base Topical Index? If so, we would like to use it.

by (296 points)

@john_nystrom Yup. I just added you as a user to TDX_ENG and TDX_TPI.

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