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As far as I have understood, it should not be a problem for a user to run Paratext 8 on two computers provided that the same registration information is entered on both computers and a send/receive is always done on both computers when switching between them.

One translator I’m supporting has happily been doing this for some time. Then the Registration Information dialog suddenly started coming up whenever she opened Paratext 8 on one of the computers. Although the registration information is exactly the same as on the other computer that still works OK, the OK button in the Registration Information dialog on this second computer is greyed out. She has tried to delete the registration info end reenter it, delete the RegistrationInfo.xml file, reset Paratext 8, and uninstall and reinstall it on this second computer, but everything to no avail.

Does anyone have an idea what needs to be done?

Paratext by (346 points)

1 Answer

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One question that come to mind. Did the user get a new code that got inserted on one machine, but not the other?

One way to test this would be to go to registry.paratext.org and generate a new code and use it on both machines.

I am able to register two computers using the same name and code. With the length of code it is best to use copy/paste to make sure both the name and code are exactly the same.

by (8.5k points)

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