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I was wondering if there is an option in Paratext to easily view or export a list of the chapters and verses which have been translated?
In Ethnos360, (New Tribes Mission) we are looking at ways to keep all of our translation project up to date in a database, and were wondering if there is a way to generate that report from Paratext?

Paratext by (418 points)

8 Answers

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Best answer


I looked at the reports/charts available in Paratext. I can see which books, chapters are completed, but I anon421222’t see away to export that information.


Are either of these helpful for you?

anon044949 S.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

From help in Paratext 8.0:
How do I generate a project progress report?

  1. From the Tools menu, select Project Health Report.
  2. On the left of the “Select Texts to View Project Health” dialog, double-click to select the projects for which you want to view project health.
    The names of the stages of the project that is first in the list of selected projects will become the labels of the rows for the “Progress” section in the report.
    If you want to change the order of the selected projects in the list at the right, click to select a project, and then click the up or down arrow.
  3. Click OK.
    The report will contain a column for each project you selected.

The project health report shows the percent of verses completed for each stage of the project, shows the rate of progress, and shows the percent of work completed for other areas (such as project notes which are resolved).

by [Expert]
(734 points)
0 votes

Thanks for the answer.
Unfortunately, that isn’t what I am looking for. I am more looking for something that will have a list of what has been done, (i.e. chapter and verse ranges that are in progress or completed) not just percentages of the whole, etc

by (418 points)

No, sorry, there is no straightforward way to generate a report like that.

0 votes

One of the main objectives of Paratext 8 was to allow better tracking of projects by administrators. dhigby has written a description of this on the Paratext 8 website.
Project Tracking in Paratext 8

You should explore what this new system is able to do, and how your organization could exploit the new API to access the database . The intention was for organizations to have access to the data. I am unclear if there is one Dashboard that everyone must use, or if the API would allow one to connect an in-house system to the database.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

I have been looking into that, and talking to some of our consultants about it as well, but it is a slow process.
Knowing that Paratext already outputs the opposite of what I was asking about, i.e. it will give a list of verses that are missing, I was wondering about the feasibility of having a check that would show a list of what is there. Would that be something that one could make with a custom check? If so, could you point me in the right direction on how to go about starting that? (I am thinking I recall something about some custom checks that can be made)


Our progress reporting focuses on books, with some level of indicating chapters. The problem with asking to see “chapters and verses which have been translated” is that, while it is feasible to show a list of chapters and verses with text, that won’t show you anything about the quality of that text. That is why we have progress.paratext.org and the API which allow you to see which books are at which level of completion. The API may allow your organization to design a tool that can analyze the data in the way that you want.

0 votes

Thanks for the info.
One of the main issues is that many of our users are not very Paratext literate. That is something we are working to try to remedy, but in the meantime, …
Thanks for all the suggestions.

by (418 points)
0 votes

I personally think BEH has raised a very valid consideration. It seems to me that there are (at least) two approaches possible when collecting progress data. You can track “raw” data (which is what BEH seemed to be asking for) and then have data points for every single user, but not have very granular (or detailed) information about each project. In this case, you might only know whether “some text” exists for a given verse, but not know anything about the quality of that text. The other approach (that Paratext has taken) is to only consider highly detailed information (coming out of the progress tracking tool), and accept that a large number of users may choose to not use that tool, so your dataset will be much smaller. I personally think it would very valuable to track both sets of data.

I also think it would have been wiser to promote a much simpler default project plan, to lower the bar for entry into the Assignments and Progress tool. People can always add more detail to their plan after they start to use it, but if it appears too difficult when it is first introduced, they will be more likely just give it a miss entirely, and then the opportunity have data related to that project is lost.

anon101508 G.

by (117 points)


I would like to respond to your comment on the default plan, if you are referring to the SIL plan. I cannot comment on any other organizations plan. The thinking was to make a very comprehensive plan to show what is possible, and allow people to delete what they did not want. I would be interested to know if people are so overwhelmed by it that they do not even attempt a plan.


0 votes

Regarding the plans, I really like the plan functionality, and have begun doing a few things with the plan. However, I am not in a decision making role regarding what exactly we in our organization should have in our plans etc., Also, most of our consultants did their translation work before Paratext, and are just now getting more Paratext literate. Now several of them have begun doing consultation directly in Paratext, so I would anticipate that they will now be more ready to put together a plan, and we can begin using the progress tracking features.
One issue that I do see is that it is difficult to report the progress of previously completed material. For instance, as a part of a project plan, we would like to include the BT checks, etc. However, much of our material (which was translated and then imported into Paratext), doesn’t have a corresponding BT. At present, I anon421222’t see a way to “grandfather” in parts of a project that were previously completed. For example, about half of our NT in my project was translated before we started using Paratext. So, the BT is not there, though the material is finished and printed. I anon421222’t really see any straightforward way to mark those books as complete. I think I could remove the BT checks, mark the progress as complete, and then add the BT checks back into the project plan, but that gets complicated for most users.
I really think the project tracking features are great, but the implementation is something that will take some time, at least in our case.

by (418 points)
0 votes


We are getting far from the original topic. I have writing a blog article on marking progress on “mature” projects after they have been moved to Paratext 8. You should be able to find that. Beyond that I suggest you post a new question to this site about dealing with Back translations of projects that are well underway when they are migrated. I would comment on that and maybe others will too. This topic will get lost here and many will not see it.


by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

I will put that in another topic, thanks.
Incidentally, can you point me to the blog article you are writing, or is that something in the works?
Thanks again.

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