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One project here has two main users - admin using Windows; translator using Linux. They just started using PT8, with the translator using PT for the first time.

Admin did S/R using the network folder option although in fact he browsed to a local folder. The created folder was zipped and emailed to the translator. Translator unzipped to a local folder and tried to use S/R using network folder but had a permissions error message:

“No projects shared with XXX found. Administrator should configure sharing using Project > Users, Roles and Permissions.”

I checked on the registry, and the translator has translator permissions for the project. Additionally I am an observer on the project and have used the same zip file on my Windows machine to S/R via network folder option (but using a local folder) and see that the translator is listed as a translator. Seems that the permissions are correct in the registry and in the file created by S/R.

Are there known issues when S/R used across Windows / Linux? What other issue might be causing this?

S/R to the server isn’t being used, as VPN usage is required from here, and translator doesn’t have a VPN. S/R to USB stick wasn’t chosen as using a network folder (using a local folder) does work Windows to Windows at least, and thus eliminates the need for a USB stick (which might be used elsewhere and pick up a virus along the way).


Paratext by (135 points)

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One possible idea, does the unzipped file in Linux have the contents inside a “Shared Paratext 8 Projects” folder?

I have found that if I just zip the individual repository folder (the one with a long name beginning with the project short name, then a ^ followed by a long string of letters and numbers), I can’t get Paratext 8 to see that folder because whatever path I give it with “browse” it always looks for a folder “Shared Paratext 8 Projects” folder with the contents inside that.

But I was able to successfully transfer a project from a zipped repository to a Linux user when the unzipped repository was inside a “Shared Paratext 8 Projects” folder.

Second question, is it possible the user name is different in the Linux user’s Paratext than the name that was added to the project?

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

Thanks sewhite.
Incorrect folder usage was in fact the issue. The user had told me that the “Shared Paratext 8 Folder” had been used, but actually it wasn’t even created.
The PT Help does say that PT will create the folder if it doesn’t exist - seems not to be the case though.

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