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How can I register a project (and pseudonym) as confidential after I’ve already registered as not confidential? Do I need to start over? If so, how do I delete the old registration? If I do have to delete my registration, what do I do with the existing machines that have the old registration data on them? Do I delete the projects on those computers?

Paratext by (207 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

Just login to the registration server (registry.paratext.org) and switch the project to confidential from standard. The selection is at the bottom of the project registration info page.

by (219 points)

Thanks anon397352. I’ve done that, however, I will need to change my registration name and email for the account, otherwise it shows up on the MTT machines. Can that be done without having to re-register? I have vpns on all the machines, so if I’m able to change both my personal registration to a pseudonym and my email to another one without re-registering, that would be great!

Hi David,

I think the easiest way is to delete your current account and re-register using the pseudonym and new email address. I suppose one of the server support administrators could go into the system and manually make the requested changes but I don’t believe it is a easy task for them either.



Hi anon397352,
Thanks. I’ve looked for a way to delete my account but I cannot find one. Any suggestions?

Log in to the registry web page.

On the right hand side (beside the bell), click on your name and select “settings”

On the settings page, at the bottom is the option to “delete my account”

I’m glad Clear7419 raised this issue. While on the topic of confidentiality, can someone explain to me just how open and non-confidential a “standard project” is? Just who all can see registered users and languages associated with them when it’s a “standard” project? Then, how does a “confidential” project differ?

Hi anon397352,
I did this but now when I go to migrate from pt7 to pt8 my pt7 files are greyed out. I’m unable to select them. They are still listed at pt7 unregistered. Is this because I registered them before. I was assuming since i deleted the previous registry I would be able to re-migrate them anew. Any thoughts?


PT7 and PT8 are separate. The PT7 project does not have your PT8 username and so you are not able to migrate the project – i.e. your PT7 user name is a member of the project but not your PT8. So even though PT8 can see the project on your computer, it cannot access it because the usernames do not match.




You can add another person to the project (in PT7) and make them an administrator and then have them register and migrate the project into PT8. After migration, they can add you back as an administrator (using your new username) and delete your old username. Once you get access in PT8, you can remove this person from the project.




I guess you can also register for a new PT7 license using the same username that you have for PT8 and then add it to the PT7 project.




Hi anon397352,
What do i need to do to resolve this so I can migrate?

Please refer to the article that was just posted on the Paratext website. It should answer your questions: http://pt8.paratext.org/2018/01/04/migration-preparation-issues/

Hi dhigby,
Thanks for this. This doc answers my question. Now, I will need to convert the project. I have pt7.5 so I’ll need to update. However, I go to check for updates dialogue and it says I’m up to date. Do I need to download pt7 again?

0 votes

The simplest path is to convert the project using Paratext 7.6 before migrating to PT 8.0, but the conversion can be done after migration. While it is called “conversion”, it actually creates a new project. When you are happy with how the project was converted, then you will have to delete the old project and remove it from the registry.
The convert function is found at Tools–>Advanced–>Convert project. It has a line with two boxes that says replace old name with new name. It will then replace the name everywhere it appears in the project history. I have never heard of problems with this part of the conversion. The issues I am aware of have to do with the normalization of the Unicode characters.

By the way, another common use of the conversion tool is to rename a project. It is desirable to use the ISO code as the name of projects, since this better identifies the project.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

A standard project can be seen by all members of your organization. It is also seen by project reviewers in all the organizations in the registry.
Confidential project visibility is explained here:

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)
0 votes

dhigby and anon397352,
I read a bit deeper and now have installed 7.6 on my machine. The question now is, do i need to first transfer my project in 7.5 into the new registration? Or do I leave my original registration on 7.5 until I’ve converted the project? It makes sense to me change the registration in 7.5 first and then convert in 7.6, however, I don’t to make a mistake in this. It seems the faster I try to move forward the more problems I discover.

by (207 points)

From 7.5 to 7.6 there is no conversion. Do the conversion with 7.6, then migrate your data from 7.5 to 8.

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