0 votes

In Paratext it seems to be the default that the Show Footnotes pane is open whenever I open a project. Is there a way that this can be changed so that the default is no showing of footnotes? When I have several projects open, I only want to see footnotes when I actually need to see them, because the pane takes some of the space away from the main window, I think this was changed in a recent update, but I do not know why. It is cumbersome to remove the pane in all windows each time.

Paratext by (869 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Nothing was changed (at least deliberately) related to showing the footnote pane and I can’t reproduce what you are seeing on my machine. Paratext opens new windows with the footnote pane closed and restarting Paratext remembers the setting of each window.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Thanks Iver+Larsen. I follow your instructions and it works fine now.

Sorry to say that the same problem happens just now with footnote pane automatically opening. I guess something needs to be looked into and fixed.

Are you using BART together with PT8? If so, does BART send references?
I know that this can cause the problem, but there may well be other causes.

After a bit more testing, I have sent in a bug report. It seems to be a
problem in the latest version of Paratext 8 where it handles references
that are sent from other programs like BART and TW. For some strange
reason, the program goes in to the place where the settings for the
saved text combinations are stored and changes the views to open with
the footnote panes. It does not change the view in the currently loaded
windows, but as soon as you open a text combination, you can see that it
has changed from the way it was saved.


Just a quick follow-up. After I uninstalled version 100.35 the problem
disappeared. Version 100.33 works fine. In Windows 10, there is a list
of installed updates in the Programs section of the control panel. I am
not sure how it words in other operating systems.


0 votes

I’ve noticed the footnote pane being open and taking up about 80-90% of the window when I open a window (text) combination. I’ve just got used to always closing all the footnote panes. A bit of a pane, but not too bad. This is in 7.6, but it’s an old issue - from 7.5 at least.

by (506 points)

You say a bit of a “pane”, was the pun intended.

D anon467281

Global Publishing Services
Scripture Typesetting trainer & Regular Expression "specialist"
Dallas, TX

I’m afraid it was. :grinning: I couldn’t resist.

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