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We have the problem that project notes from one of our users multiplied hundredfold. A hint may be the changes history. It looks like this:

18 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]
17 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]
17 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_3
17 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_4
17 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_5
17 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_6
17 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_7
17 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_8
17 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_9
12 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]
12 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_2
11 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]
11 August Project Notes from [ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_1

In the project folder there are, accordingly, ten different comments files for the user: Comments_[ParaTExt Username].xml and Comments_[ParaTExt Username]_USERNAME_PC_1.xml and so on.

What can we do about this?

Paratext by (754 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

First delete all the extra note files - files that aren’t in the form
Comments_{Paratext Username}.xml and have everyone do a send/receive.

If you have Paratext 7.5, you can then run the Help > Advanced > Delete All
Duplicated Notes command. You have to hold the Shift key while clicking on
Help to see the Advanced menu.

Does anyone know how the extra files got created? You can send me the name
of the project if you want help in finding when the files were added.

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)

Thank you. I will delete the duplicate comments for this time. If the problem occurs again, I will further investigate it.

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