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I just saw a case where the renderings in the project biblical terms list (for a text that is in a non-Roman script) were appearing as boxes, but the main text was appearing properly AND if you opened a specific term in the Edit Rendering dialog, the rendering appeared correctly there as well. When we checked out the language settings, we found that the language font had been incorrectly set, and setting it correctly solved the problem.

But what I wanted to point out is that the text appeared fine in the main text AND in the Edit Rendering dialog, even though the font was set incorrectly in the language settings - probably because those two areas are using some sort of font fallback method that was finding a font that had the right characters in it, and not just using the selected font. Would it be possible to use the same sort of fallback method for the renderings in the project biblical terms list, so it wouldn’t display boxes, but would find an appropriate fallback font?

Now in some sense it’s a good thing to know if you don’t have the proper font selected in your language settings. But with a font rendering and fallback that is inconsistent across the different views, my first thought wasn’t that it was a font setting problem - after all, the text was appearing fine in the main window, so the font must be set OK, right? So I would recommend, if possible, that the same font fallback be used for the renderings in the project biblical terms list.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Unfortunately, this is not possible. The views that are working are using HTML to render the text. The Gecko (a.k.a. Firefox) control does automatic font fallback. However, the .Net controls do not have this capability. We have created a few HTML controls, but the control used for the Biblical Terms tool is much more complicated so it has been a much lower priority.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

This issue obviously isn’t a big deal, but I thought I would point out the inconsistency… Thanks for the info.

by (1.4k points)
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