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Is there a list of upcoming resources in Paratext 8? We are very interested in the ESV, TNN, and TND in PNG.



[cid:[Email Removed]]

Language Technology Consultant
SIL PNG Language Resources
Ukarumpa EHP 444 | Papua New Guinea
[Email Removed].pgmailto:[Email Removed].pg


Paratext by (411 points)

6 Answers

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Best answer

Hi, james_post,

Are your translators not using Translator¨s Workplace? There you have
lots of resources including those you mention. I find it very convenient
to run Paratext together with TW and use Alt TAB to switch between them.
Since they scroll together, it is easy to find the relevant verses. I
also find it cumbersome to have many panes open in a Paratext window. I
can’t see the wood for the trees. In TW, my default Desktop is 9 English
versions, but I can easily open relevant commentaries such as the TNN
and TND. Paratext was basically designed for a verse-by verse
translation method, whereas I prefer to think in terms of
passage-by-passage translation. The verse-by-verse method fits a literal
translation style, but is less helpful for a meaning-based translation

I also have Logos, but that program is not as user friendly as the
others and quite slow. I got TW for Logos, but regretted it, so I also
bought the Folio version which is much better than the Logos version. In
addition, I get BART which I have used daily for many years and which
can also scroll with the others. Another Alt TAB brings me there.


by (869 points)

As james_post’ colleague in Language Tech work in PNG I can comment here: Many of the PNG users of Paratext have trouble using TW—Folio or Logos. They seem to be able to handle rearranging their Paratext desktop better than other solutions. I have spoken with many translators who REALLY want Translator’s Notes back in PT 8.


Ditto the desire for the simplicity of a “one program solution” next door
in Solomon Islands.


0 votes

We are also interested in knowing when Korean versions will be available.

Thank you,




by (411 points)

Ask some of the Korean teams. Some of ours here have copies of Korean versions – no idea how they got them. But I would expect they are willing to share them if some other Korean needs them.

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[Link Removed]

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

I also work in PNG with national translators and having more than one program to learn (and then getting them to scroll together) is very challenging for many of them. I know one solution not mentioned already is to have resources (like TNN/TND) open in PT7 that aren’t yet available in PT8. While I say it is a solution, I don’t think it is a good one as having both PT7 and PT8 open at the same time can lead to editing in the wrong version (I’ve just recently done it myself!). So it would be really nice to get resources into PT8 as soon as possible. I know teams in a number of projects who don’t want to migrate until they have all the resources they depend on in PT8.

by (104 points)

Dear anon620222,

You may want to use PT7 to help your team members. If you a) use only Preview in PT7 projects, or b) make editable projects as non-editable, one could not accidentally edit them. To turn a project non-editable go to Project Properties and Settings, select the Advanced tab and untick Editing Enabled.


Lähettäjä: anon620222 [mailto:[Email Removed].org]
Lähetetty: 19. lokakuuta 2017 5:19
Vastaanottaja: anon982572 [Email Removed]
Aihe: [PT Support Site] List of Upcoming Resources in PT8? [Questions]

[Lähettäjä poisti kuvan.]

anon620222[Link Removed]
October 19

I also work in PNG with national translators and having more than one program to learn (and then getting them to scroll together) is very challenging for many of them. I know one solution not mentioned already is to have resources (like TNN/TND) open in PT7 that aren’t yet available in PT8. While I say it is a solution, I don’t think it is a good one as having both PT7 and PT8 open at the same time can lead to editing in the wrong version (I’ve just recently done it myself!). So it would be really nice to get resources into PT8 as soon as possible. I know teams in a number of projects who don’t want to migrate until they have all the resources they depend on in PT8.


What those of us who support mother tongue translators in the Pacific are trying to say is that having PT7 and PT8 open at the same time, so that the old PT7 resources can be used, is not a workable solution for many of the PT users we work with.

In this part of the world, with a great number of relatively small language groups, the people who are able to become translators for their own people are those who have not left their home communities for the many years it takes to obtain tertiary education. Most of the people with higher degrees and experience using computers and reading from digital screens, do not know the finer points of their language well enough (by their own admission) to translate the Bible. These people, as well, are expected to get good jobs after graduating to support their families and communities, in return for family assistance with education.

Thus most of the translators in these parts have a high school education or less. Many have had no previous computer experience, and likely no “smart phone” experience either (although phone use is much different than managing multiple programs on a desktop). In the multi-language group we work with, a good TW (Folio) workshop was held a few years ago. Of the 15 or so attendees only two of them have actually used TW since the workshop: the two translation consultant trainees (who are now full consultants in PNG).

The others depend on the Translator’s Handbooks and Trans. Notes in Paratext, and on “real” paper reference books, which are easier to use and can be open beside the computer for quick reference. They are extremely sharp and learn well. But their energy is focused on learning to translate well; it’s hard to learn complex computer tasks when more familiar tools are available (TN is not readily available here, or transportable, in paper form).

So there is a very real need to get Translators’ Notes into Paratext 8, in this part of the world with its many small languages and difficult travel conditions.


Assuming I’m understanding your comment correctly, Translator’s Notes was changed into a Consultant Notes project in Paratext 7.4 (Global Consultant Notes). They can be shown with View > Show Consultant Notes > GCN - Global Consultant Notes.

I am told by my Translation Consultant husband that Global Consultant Notes
(GCN) and Translator’s Notes (TNN &TND) are totally different resource
projects. He highly values Translator’s Notes, which is a handbook but
doesn’t use GCN. When I open them all in 7.6, the content is very
different. So getting the TNN & TND resources into Paratext 8 should be a
high priority. Since it is SIL, there shouldn’t be any big copyright


Shegnada J.

Language Technology & Publishing Coordinator, SIL Nigeria

Complex Script Layout Specialist, GPS Dallas

Skype: Shegnada.james_post.

([Phone Removed]

0 votes

Actually the SIL Translator’s Notes is a project you can download from the Paratext 7 website (TNN) and is different from what became the GCN notes.
This is an issue that the folks working on resources are aware of and are trying to get handled as quickly as possible.

by (8.3k points)

I see. It’s confusing to have multiple things with the same name (Translator’s Notes). :sweat_smile:

0 votes

Is there a standard way to request new resources be added to Paratext? I see a few resources in Korean in the DBL that are not in Paratext.


We’ve had 2 different requests in the last day regarding additional Korean resources.

In the DBL, I can see that one is from Biblica, and they are now more involved in Paratext. And the other is from the Korean Bible Society, which has already approved 2 others for use in Paratext. Maybe those details would work in our favor?


by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

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